XIX; October 11th, 2017

349 16 2

Eden Scott

I stood on the frankly massive terrace of my apartment, taking in the view of New York City from the 24th floor, and my wax pen. In less than 30 minutes, Robyn's brothers, Rorrey and Rajad were set to walk in for dinner with us.

As far as they knew, it was dinner with Robyn, but I was something of a surprise guest. They didn't know I lived there, but they would know by the end of dinner. Hopefully, they'd take it well, though it was all the same to me. I just didn't know what I would say to Robyn if her own brothers didn't accept her queer identity. It's not like they were my family, but I guess in a way they were extended family members.

I was going to treat them as such, of course, given that I was still making amends with my lovely girlfriend, and I know she wanted them to be a part of my life from now on. I didn't have any family of my own anymore, nor did I ever have any siblings, so why not pretend like they were my real brothers? Hell, one day they probably would be.

I wasn't nervous either. Matter of fact, I was higher than the sky right now. I don't know if that was the intended effect of such a little device, but I had zero tolerance right now and I was really enjoying that.

Robyn seemed to be out of her mind, however. Last I had seen her, she was pacing around our bedroom, rehearsing some kind of speech. She asked me for pointers but I had nothing to tell her.

I never 'came out.' People either already knew, or expected it from me, given how I look and whatnot.

Anyways I had to leave her, she was making too much noise with her heels click-clacking against the hardwood. However, I did feel a duty to check up on her and see if she was still sane.

I slipped the pen into the pocket of my tuxedo and stepped back inside. I don't know why we were all so dressed up, it's not like we were going anywhere. I, myself, was looking right at the lone chef in our kitchen, Debbie, and her assistant, Rina, setting up our dining table. But like I said, I was only a guest, and guests don't ask that many questions.

I crept up to our bedroom, trying not to be heard by my girlfriend. I rounded the hall to see her standing in front of our floor-length mirror, trying to put on a necklace. We had a beautiful bedroom. The bed was a size I had never even heard of before moving in here. It was all Robyn's creative choices but I liked them. I stared for a few seconds looking at the black cocktail dress she was wearing.

"Look at you, all dolled up," I let my presence be known.

She turned around, seemingly surprised to see me. "Thank god. Can you help me with this?"

"Of course," I walked forward and took the silver necklace from her hands.

I recognized it as one I had brought her when we first began dating. It was a nice touch, that and the matching earrings she was also sporting.

I clipped it at her neck and looked at her through the mirror.

"Stunning as always, Miss Fenty," I complimented her.

"Likewise. You sure you don't want the bow tie?" She asked me, referring to my own bare neckline.

"I'm quite certain, fuck do I look like with a bow tie on?" I preferred my suits without ties when possible, and even better if the top button stayed undone.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her closer while admiring how good we looked together.

"Hey, I hope this doesn't add to your stress, but I have a question for you," something popped into my mind.

"Hmm?" She hummed, more preoccupied with removing little hairs from her dress.

"Will you marry me?" I let out nonchalantly.

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