Chapter 3: Mate

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Dragoarth POV

Days had passes since I seen that woman appeared and disappeared from my study. And she keep appearing, sometimes she staring at me, other times she is sleeping or just staring out into space. But I do have to admit she is a very gorgeous woman I have seen.

When I first seen her, there was a rush, an heat I couldn't explain. I felt as if the world had disappeared and centered solely on her. Her eyes are my favorite feature; they are violet and aqua rimmed with a deep color of gold. They were intriguing that I find myself lost in them. She had a oval face with high cheek bones, an small button like nose but it fit her face very well and natural pink plump lips. Not too small but not too big either perfect. Through each time I have imagined her, she was wearing something different every time but you could tell she is well endowed in the chest area, a slim waist, and an ass just enough to grab. She couldn't be no more five foot four, shorter than the woman here.

When I first told Phenom about her it was the day in the study and we were arguing over nothing once again and he asked me what I was looking at. I said the girl and he had an confused look about him so I said no more of it. And since then I been the only one to see her, so she must be a illusion my mind conjured up.

I was pulled from thoughts when there was a knock on my study door. I growled out an come in and walked in Phenom. He had an shit grin on his face and made himself comfortable in the chair in front of my desk. He just sat there with that grin and it was starting to annoy me. "What?" I bit out when he continued on saying nothing and staring at me, I was about throw him out my study so I could go back work before he spoke. "You should trying smiling once in awhile." He says and I just gave him a heated gaze. "Is that all you wanted to tell me? You tell me that almost everyday since we were younglings."

He just laughed and shake his no. "Of course that's not what I want to tell you. Are you still seeing that apparition of that woman?" He asks still smirking. I gave him a slight nod still irritated by him not telling me what he knows. "What about it, she just in my mind." I tell him but by he way he's acting made me think other wise. Turning my head to the side to study him, his taping his fingures against the arm of the chair, shoulders tense with suspense and his beaming. He knows something I don't. "What is it that you know?" I demanded. "Ask nicely and I will tell you."

I stand up from my chair and says "Tell me what you know right now or your going to be tonight's feast." I growled out as got closer to him. He hold up hands in mock surrender and chuckled a little. "Hey calm down old friend I'll tell you. That woman you told me about isn't an illusion or figment of your imagination." I just stare at him as if he lost his mind. Of course she all in my mind. "You don't believe me? Trust me she is very real, I looked into it after you told me you saw her the second time. I thought a witch doing a spell or something."

"Is she a witch?" I asked it would explain why I'm so intrigued by that woman but if she is a witch then I would have to kill her. And it has been a while since I killed a witch maybe five hundred years, yeah that sounds about right. I was brought out my thoughts when he answered, "No she isn't..." damn that's unfortunate, "but she is human." He informed me. An human? They don't last long in our world. In fact they usually get eaten or burned alive.

I don't really care for humans in generally for that can't hurt us dragons like they can hurt them other creatures that is in the Realm of Men. But of course they weak as well, and since I have alliance with the Death Walkers or vampires as humans call them I don't really interfere with their business as long they keep the entrance of our world's protected. "So I'm having visions of an human woman." Phenom nods his and he frowns and I know there something more than her just being human. "What else is there?" He goes into his pocket and slowly pull out an picture and gives it to me. At first I was confused as to who I was looking then realized it was the woman.

In the photo she was naked under a device that let water fall from its head. My blood run hot straight to my groin as I see her naked, her dark with gold like hair was on top of her head with an white bubbly like substance, her back facing my way and as looked down her body. I froze. My breath got stuck in my lungs, my heart stop beating, and my blood ran cold as stare at the mark on her back. It was me in dragon form, it had every single detail of me in my true form down to my red eyes. But that means she my...

"It can't be." I say in disbelief. I look up back up at Phenom to make sure he isn't playing some kind joke but his serious expression told me he wasn't. "It seems that you been seeing our future queen." He says, I barely pay attention to what he was saying as stare at this woman who have fill all space of my mind up was my mate. But she's human she wouldn't be able to stand by my side and rule over the dragons and all other creatures that resides in my kingdom.

"I had some of the Death Walkers look into her to make sure it isn't just some coincidence and what they reported to me is that she was born into wealth but was treated badly and abuse, never allowed to participate in family activities because of the mark on her back that she had since birth. Her family tried had it removed multiple times but nothing worked..." of not it's my mark it will never go away even in death..."she ran away from her home and now living near a Death Walker territory." I feel anger arise in me, how dare they put their hands on what is mine. I saw red and I begun to change. "Get ready, we making a trip to the Realm of Men and tell Vladimir we be staying a few days and need a place to stay." I commanded Phenom. He rose from his sit and muttered a yes king but I was too far gone to care as I fully changed into my true form and flew through the hole in the ceiling.

I will get my mate and I will slaughter those beings for putting their filth on my queen.

All done. Hopefully it's longer than the other chapters and once again I'm writing from my cell phone so chapter will be short. But anyways tell me what you think
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