Chapter 6: Unrealistic Truth

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Dragoarth POV

    I looked over at the unconscious girl and sighed, I hoped she wouldn't pass out or anything but I was asking for too much. Phenom and Vladimir came out where they were hiding. "Wow King, knock out your mate when you finally see her in person!" Vladimir, who is the Death Walker's king, while laughing hysterically and slapping his knees. Phenom had a smile on his face.

I gave Vladimir a sharp glare which he ignored completely. Sometimes I wonder why I allied myself with his race in the first place. I look back over to the lovely dark haired beauty that did in fact pass out. I couldn't leave her on the floor, I had to make sure she is ok. Going to stand over her, I pick her up bridal style and moved her to her bed. I sat back a little and just look at her. She even more beautiful in person, her smooth creamy skin that I know is soft, dark eyelashes frames her beautiful eyes, her black and gold hair layout on her pillow made a fire raced to my groin. Just looking at her set my blood alight.

  I feel pain in my heart knowing that when I entered this world she felt it as if she was engulfed in flames. I can't do anything about through. She will always feel me now that I know of her and she know of me.

  "Now that you have her, should we leave so you can return to your world with your new queen?" Asked Vladimir as he made himself at home on one the chairs that was in dainty room. Looking around I can't believe that my mate was staying in a place like this.

"No, we can't move her yet." Phenom said

"Why not."

"Because we can't risk moving the queen without her freaking out about where she is and it would be much harder for her to accept Milord."

"Not freaking out? She unconscious already, why not just kidnap her so it out the way?"

    I tune them out not wanting to hear their bicking. There was movement on the bed and I told the others to be quiet. She was starting to stir from her sleep. We all stopped what we were doing and stood motionless, as her eyes opened and spotted us. The look on her face was of disbelief and bewilderment. Her heart beat started to race faster and I was worried she would pass out again. And that would be just annoying.
  She opened her mouth to say something but closed it. "We are not..." I was interrupted before I could finish. "Who are you? What you want? Did my parents sent you? Are you going to kill me?" The girl said in one breath.

I was hoping she would keep her mouth shut so I could explain things to her before she started asking annoying questions. I heard  Vladimir chuckled beside me. I let out a deep sigh and looked up at the ceiling, humans such fragile things and yet my mate is one. I looked back over to the girl and saw her pull out a small dagger from under her pillow.

"That won't hurt any of us you know." She jumped when I said that. "Even so it make me feel safer to have it in my hand to not need it than not to have it in my hand and need it." Smart girl. "What's your name?" I asked her.

"You haven't answered any of my questions so why should I answer yours?" I felt my eye twitch a little bit when she said that. "No no, we came here for you obviously. The big guy here is Phenom and the skinny one is named Vladimir." I tell her.

"Hey! I'm not skinny." Vladimir says.

"And what's your name?" She asked in a small voice that if I didn't have heightened hearing I wouldn't be able to hear her.  "My name is Xerox Camroth Avantador Dragoarth
Youngblood." She just looked at me with a confused expression.

"Xerox Camrock Avator what blood! What the hell is your name?" She stumbled out her mouth. Phenom and Vladimir started laughing with tears coming down their faces. "She worse than me when it come to your long ass name, King." Vladimir said once he calmed down a bit.

"No she isnt, you called him Xenon Camelot Avocado Visa Skyskim Ninthrealm Youndblood. She didn't even tried to finish his name." Phenom tried to the young girl and myself. They two can't stop bickering  for five fucking minutes. "It doesn't matter who got what better or not, just shut the fuck up, your beginning to irritate me. Now you girl listen and listen real well; I am the king of all dragons, halfings, and anyone who have blood of dragons in their system.

   I am from the realm of Thyrics's. It's where I live and rule. The skinny guy over there is the king of the Death Walkers or what you humans call vampires. That mark on your back is a dragon correct? That's because it's me in my true form and it's also the reason why you was able to see me back in Thyrics's. You are my mate, my queen and when I leave the human realm I intend on bring you with me. Willing or not do you understand? Now that you know who and what I am, tell me your name girl. Its getting annoying calling you girl all the time."

  She just stared at me for minutes before bursting out laughing. Did I say something funny? "You're joking right? There no such things of dragons or that realm you said. Vampires I can believe but not you. And what is he a werewolf?" I heard Phenom groan whispering something I didn't understand. The girl kept on laughing uncontrollably for few more minutes.

I let out yet another sigh while rubbing my tamples. "What I have told you is truth and it's better for you get it through your pretty little head, it be easier on you." She suddenly stop laughing and looked me straight in the eyes with unrecognizable expression then anger.

"Who in the hell do you think you're talking to. You and your gang of giants broke into my motel room, caused me to pass out, told me some bullshit story about dragons kings and vampires and all that other stuff and expect me to just believe you right of the back? No way Mr. Long Name Blood." She said right to my face, well my stomach. Didn't think she was this short.

I gave her a smirk and touched her arm moving to her neck, "Do you feel that? The tingles? Is the mark on your back tingling as well? Like a burning but not painful it pleasurable isn't it?" I asked her as my hand cupped her face. "Cause that's exactly what I'm feeling right now too." I tell her looking into her beautiful violet-blue with gold flecks eyes.

I saw her shiver as I touched her, she shook her head a little. "I-I don't b-believe you." She shuttered out. "Ahh but you do, you hear the truth in my voice and feel the honesty in my touch. For you are the only one I cannot lie to mate."

We continued to to stare at each other for some time just lost in each other eyes. She had denial, uncertainty and distrust. I know where that distrust come from and I while take revenge for her.

Knock! Knock!

  We were interrupted by the door. Phenom and  Vladimir made themself scarce, is a good thing.

   "Leslie? I know youre in there, I saw you leave the diner earlier." The lady said through the door.  Leslie looked at the door, at me then back to the door. I grabbed her chin making her face me. "So your name is Leslie, huh? It is a beautiful name to have." She just scoffed and said "I hate it, it's a remainder of those people who named me. I wish I could changed it." The tone of her voice was bitter and distasteful.

   Leslie backed away from me and walked towards the door and opened it. "Lauren, hey sorry about leaving like that but I wasn't feeling well from this morning."

"Oh no it's fine. Are you okay now, I could have Kris whipped something up real quick for you..."

"Oh no! No I'm fine just need some rest that's all I'm sure I be okay in the morning."

"Ok dear I'ma let you sleep. Goodnight Leslie and call me if something happens." This Lauren was starting to annoy me. Leave already. I thought as I listened to this tedious conversation.

  "Ok I will goodnight Lauren." Leslie closed the door and locked it. She turned back to look at me and sigh. She walked over to the bed but then changed direction and sat at the table. "Now you gonna tell me everything. I deserve to know the truth regardless how unrealistic it is. And it does not mean I will believe you or leave with you. Willing."

  I sat down across from her and smirked. "I'll tell you everything and you will leave with me. Willing of course." It this begin a long night of explaining.


Finally updated!

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