Chapter 7: Confrontation

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Leslie POV

"So that is Katie and Samuel with their children Tyler, Shaun and Brandon and Brandi, they're twins..." Lauren was pointing out of the people here and despite what I thought, there is a lot of people in Chad.

I couldn't keep my mind on what she was saying, instead it was occupied by Dragoarth. He told me I can call him that and no one really uses his full name unless it's at ceremonies and stuff. We stayed up most of the night, him explaining everything to me. He sure didn't hold anything back at all, my head still hurts from information overload.

It made me think of the world in a different light, like maybe what he said was true and that there is powerful beings out living among us or like Thyrics's a different realm. I felt the burning sensation again and knew that he was close around here.

"Oh there is Dallas, that boy sure is a looker and... oh my who are they?" I followed the direction where Lauren was looking in and I froze on the spot. There stood the people I was running from; my father and my brother. I didn't see my mother with them but that doesn't mean she isn't here.

My brother turned his head in my direction and I quickly dropped to the ground. Do they know I'm here? If so how? I was very careful in covering my tracks. I peeked around the table from where I was hiding to see if they moved somewhere else. They were walking away, good that gives me a chance to get back to my motel room without them seeing me. I got up from the ground and started heading towards my room when all of sudden I ran into a wall of something.

Arms wrapped around me keeping me from falling on my ass. I looked up and saw Phenom standing there. I blushed not used to having men arms around me, so I took a step back. "Excuse my lady, but Dragoarth would like to see you." He said to me. I looked behind me and back at Phenom and took his hand hurrying to get back to the room. "Well let's go! Can't have the King waiting, now can we!" Considering that Phenom is much bigger than me, He let me drag him and without question.

I opened my door and pushed Phenom in and hurriedly locked the door back. I looked out the peep hole to make sure no one was following us. I let out an relieved sigh, when someone loudly cleared their throat. I looked behind me and saw Dragoarth, Phenom, and Vladimir staring at me strangely. "Is there a problem?" Dragoarth asked me, instead of answering I just shook my head no. I didn't want to tell them about my family and what they did to me.

I let my heart slow down before saying anything, "So you summoned me, Lord Drago?" I say in British accent. He just turned his head to the side and made a hand moverment, which I'm guessing is to dismiss the others. "Lord Drago?"he asked me, his head still tilted to the side. I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't see what's wrong with that. Dragoarth is a mouth full." He smirked at me. I'm beginning to think that he doesn't smile, unless you count grins and smirks. Through it does make him more appealing if that is possible.

He continued to stare at me and it was starting to make me uncomfortable. "" That seemed to snap him out whatever he was in. "Ahh, yes the talk. We would be leaving the day after tomorrow, to go back home. I need to return the kingdom can't run itself and since I'm the King I can't be gone for too long. Don't interrupt me Leslie 'cause what I'm about to tell you involve you as well.

Like I told you, you're my mate and don't get it confused with the wolf shifters either. Dragons love goes much deeper than those of the wolf shifters. Anyways you will be leaving with me when I go back to Thyrics's because you are my mate therefore the queen of dragons as well." Drago tells me. I just stare at him like he lost his damn mind. "What make you think I'm just going to leave with you? I haven't exactly wrapped my around the fact that you aren't human and other non-humans walked among us." I yelled at him. He must be crazy to think that. My chest was heaving up and down now with anger, first I see this strange man for like a month, then my birth mark starts to burn out of nowhere, next the same strange man I be seeing shows up in my home telling me he's a dragon and he's here to take to a place I never heard of. No sir, I don't think so.

"Sorry to disappoint you amica mea but you will come with me even if I have to bind you." He said in a no bullshit kind of way. I was about to tell him off when there was pounding on the door.

Thinking it was Lauren getting tired of me just disappearing on her, I opened the door to explain. " I'm so sorry..." but who was at the wasn't Lauren. It was my brother and father. "Oh Leslie, darling I'm so glad that you're alright!" My father said as hugged me tightly. I was so shocked that I couldn't more or speak. "Damn Leslie don't you know that we've been looking every where for you? Mother thought you were kidnapped and sold to be a sex slave." My brother said taking my hand and holding it. At that point Drago decided to speak up. "Un hand her this instant and who the Hell are coming in here touching what is mine." My father and brother was taken aback by the sudden outburst.

I don't know if I'm was thankful for his interruption but I was happy that it happened. My father spoke first. "I am Lyonal Ryans and this is my son Rylan Ryans. And I am also Leslie's father. Now who the hell are you?" My father took a step back when Drago stepped closer to him. "I am her future husband that's who I am." My mouth hit the ground when he said that. Lyonal and Rylan looked shocked. "What do you mean her future husband?" Drago just looked at my brother with disgust clearly written on his face. "What business do you two have here, you are interrupting something."

You can tell that Drago isn't a big fan of my family, makes me wonder if he knows anything about my past. "Um Drago you need to calm down and stop trying to scare them." Grabbing his arm to maybe calm him down. He relaxes just a little bit but still very tense. I look up into his eyes and see nothing but hate and disgust, he obviously knows something.

My father had regain his composer during our little exchange. "You can't marry my daughter, you don't have my blessing or consent to do such things." My father said which cause Drago to laugh bitterly. "What make you think I need anything from you? If I want to marry Leslie I will marry her." He said threatening to my father's face. I felt him clench and unclench his fist, I tighten my grab on his arm. My father was about to say something when Drago's eyes flashed a bright red and immediately shut him up.

"Please" I say to Drago. He looked me in the eyes and mumbled something in a different language. "Ok I do it. Only because it's you." He turn back to my father and brother "If you or anyone else from your disgusting family ever come looking for my mea I will skin you and roast you for my wedding day feast to the whole kingdom and say that it was a present from my bride's father. Do you understand me, cause next time I won't hold back?" My father and brother faces visibly pale and they started to shake. For the first time I saw fear in my father's eyes and wondered what was said to them.

It seems like they couldn't get out of this place fast enough. Drago turned and grined at me. "What did you say to them?" He just shook his head "Nothing you should worry about." He tells me. I had to know for sure if he knows what happened to me and why I ran away. "Drago? What do you know about me?" It was below an whisper but he somehow heard me. "Everything." Looking me the eye he just shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal.

"How did you find out?" I asked him "I didn't, Phenom did after I told him the first time I saw you. You think I instantly knew where you were? The Death Walkers actually found you and they told Phenom who relayed it to me a few days ago." I was stunned to know that he had people stalking me "So you had people looking after me?" "No! I didn't give that order, Phenom take it upon himself to check into you to make sure your not some witch out to kill me or to get me to make her a queen." He bluntly tells me.

I walked over to the bed to take a sit. Today was just a exhausting day first with my family and now being watched my dragons and vampires. It feels like I'm in a nightmare but this one is reality. My reality. Drago walked over to me and whispered "Get some sleep, your going to need it when we go back to Thyrics's." He say and quietly says some words and the next thing I know I was greeting darkness.

Ugh yes an update!!!! Um well anyways my phone's off and that's how I been writing this story so hopefully when I post this my phone won't be off obviously. But anyway vote comment I really do like feedback

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