Chapter 9: New Home: Thyrics's

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Leslie POV

First arriving to Thyrics's felt weightless? Like every individual atom in my body was floating for the little time we walked through the portal. It was quite sickening.

But Thyrics's itself was breathtaking. Tall green trees surrounded the area and the distance you could see mountains and more mountains. The sky was the bluest I have ever saw, with what look like giant birds or something flying around. But what really caught my eye was the massive castle no fortress that was built into the mountain. It had many large windows and doors from where I could see.

It's then that I realized this place is where I always see Dragoarth. Looking around again I see the water that seems that to goes on forever, and if I walked closer to the mountain I see the wide open field that the fighters always train at. This is the view that I see anytime Dragoarth was in his study.

"Its familiar to you, isn't it?" He whispers in my ear, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. "Isn't it amazing what you can see through another eyes?" An involuntary shiver ran through my body as he brought his body closer to mines. I couldn't speak let alone think straight. Then all of sudden he was gone, but my heart rate didn't slow down one bit.

As we started to walk closer to the fortress I could see many people coming out and standing in two straight lines. I started to slow down a bit until Phenom pushed me to keep moving. "Its okay they came out to welcome the King back. You should be happy about that, not everyone  here is friendly." he explained to me. Wait there more people. "So is everyone here a dragon?" I asked Phenom considering that Drago won't even look at me. Phenom chuckled "Well of course, this IS the Dragon Kingdom."

Finally we reached the lines of men and I hide behind Drago so no one could see. Everyone bowed or some kind show of respect to him. Then a man broke rank who looked familiar came over to us. "That's Ingdio." Drago said only for me to hear. "M'lord you returned! I hope everything was a success in going to the Human World?" Ingdio said. He looked old but not old. His hair was graying and there are some wrinkles around his face. And of course he was really tall, not taller than Drago. In fact all the men here was tall.

Drago just nodded his head and to told to follow us him back to his study.

When we get into his study, Drago jumps right into it. "This is Leslie Ryans of the Human World and she also my mate-" Ingdio gasped really loudly, "and she will be staying here. Now I want to sit up her bed chambers next to mines. Do you understand?" He said in a authority voice. Ingdio nodded his head, but Then a look passed his face like he had something to say. "Just say it already!" Drago sounded impatient. Heastainly he begin to speak "Do you wish her chambers to be the Golden Rose room Sire?" his head was bowed the whole time. "Yes! Now leave and prepare her room."

Drago sat behind his desk while Phenom stood with his hands folded in front of him like how soldiers would do when standing in stationary. Then there's me standing awkwardly, shifting foot from foot. We were like this for several minutes in silence. Then the door open and reveal a beautiful tall woman dressed in a yellow Amazon clothes like. She had orange hair and Brown eyes. Toned body from what I can see. Nothing really stood out about her besides her hair. Drago finally looked up "Your going to need new clothes. The ones you have are fine, but your gonna stick out and that gonna make you an easy target. You are really short even by our shortest girl standards but its also your advantage here. Go with her and pick somethings out, the rest will be made for you later. He all this without looking at me but at the girl instead. "Oh Kuji, if any harm befallen her you all are good as dead." Drago said in a deadly voice. Kuji bowed deeply and started to pull me along.

We started to walked down this very long hallway. I couldn't take in my surroundings for Kuji was walking too fast for me to keep up. "Hey can you slow down a bit, your walking too fast?" I was practically out of breath by the end of the that sentence. Suddenly she came to a dead stop, almost making me crash into her. Without turning around she said "Maybe you shouldn't be here. Your race is the lowest of all the races. You don't deserve to breath the same air as we do. But that doesn't matter, you won't last long three days at best, and that's because of the King." She says coldly and continued on walking.

I can tell already she won't like me at all, but that's fine my own blood didn't even like so what is a stranger that don't like me? We arrived at this door with a sickening sweet smell. Kuji chuckled at my scrunched up face. The smell only got worse as we walked into the all. All I saw was tall Amazon like women walking around naked, barely clothed, or in full armor. Is everyone from gaints or something cause there is no way that every one here is tall. The room was high, big, and spacious with sheer curtains hanging in the pillars that surrounds the room. A girl with red hair came up to Kuji and I, looking me up and down. "Who is she?" she continued to study more some more. "The King's new toy. She needs clothes but do not harm her or we all be dead faster than Djiu." The girl only nodded her head before turning her head to the side and smiling. "Fine. You may leave now."

She turned her back and begin to walk away. I wasn't sure if I should follow her or not. But that choice was made for me when Kuji pushed me into the same direction the red haired lady went. I stumbled after her until we came to a side room off of the main room. "My name is Caie and I am the tailor of the King and all who are under this palace." She greeted me cheerfully. She looked for familiar now that I got a closer look at her. Her eyes was a familiar deep yellow, her face structure was familiar also but I'm sure I've never a day in my life. She to laugh at me, did she see me staring at her. "I looked familiar don't I? Well that because I'm Phenom's twin sister but don't say anything to him about it though. Now lets get you some clothes." Clapping her hand together she went around picking up things and then putting it back. It take her awhile to pick something out for me, before pushing me into I what I guess is the changing room.

The outfit she chose for me was something I wasn't used to. It was a dark stormy grey shirt that stops right underneath my breasts and tight black leather pants. It was too revealing not because I'm ashame of my body, but because of the scares and bruises that has yet to heal. Its covering my whole stomach and sides. Black, blue, purple, yellow and some greenish gray is all mixed on my skin. I was brought out of my thoughts when there was a knock on the door. "Come out now, lets see what you look like." Caie all excited and all. "Um can I get a different type of shirt, one that can cover my entire upper half?" I asked. There was a sigh before Caie bursted in, "No you can't..." She trailed off when she saw the state I was.

She stared at me for a while longer before leaving and returning with a black shirt. It was silent as I put my shirt feeling low of myself. Here I am human, an abused human in a place where my chances of survival is almost none existance.

Suddenly there was a shaking like an earthquake follow by screaming and rushing foot steps. Caie and I rushed out to see what was happening.

And then I saw it Drago changing into the exact replica dragon that is on my back. Red ruby blood like eyes, black scaly body, and razor sharp blood stain teeth. No thats not right, his teeth isn't red. When I looked down at his very large form and saw the dead body laying at his feet. I gasped at the sight I saw, I guess he heard me because he turned towards where I was standing. And looking into eyes I felt the cold emptiness that was in him. For the first time my heart wasn't beating out of excitement or anticipation but in fear.

Since the first time meeting Drago I fear him and I guess my heart couldn't take that realvation cause the next thing I know all I saw was blood dripping from his mouth as I blacked out.

Finally an update!! Sorry for the wait I had writers block and then I didn't know where I was going with this chapter. Can't say I like it or not.

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