Chapter 4: 21 Birthday

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Leslie POV

    My stomach was growling, I only being living off of yogurt since coming to this town. I don't really go out with the fear someone will recognize me and report it to the police, and my face is still bruised but that swollen anymore.

   My stomach growled again. I got up from the bed and walked over to the little mini fridge to get yet another yogurt and to my frustration it was none. I sign and looked out the window at the diner across the street. It wouldn't hurt to have a decent meal.

  I started moving before I made up my mind. I throw on my Bullet For My Valentine hoodie and my sunglasses and walked out my room. It was early autumn and there was a chill to the air as I made my way across the street to the diner. I open the door and instantly smelled the fresh brew of coffee, eggs, pancakes, waffles, bacon and among other things that made my mouth water. I lowered my head and walked to an empty booth in the back. A lady in her early forties came and gave me a menu and ask what I want to drink and I told orange juice.

   The inside of the diner look like any other diner you see on tv. It had a jukebox in the corner, the walls had what look like the town when it was more lively that beginning to peel at the ends, the booths and counter stools looked worn down but kept in good condition. Overall the diner felt homey. Something I never had or felt had a left a longing inside.

   Pushing back the dark feelings that threaten consume me, I picked up the menu and look for something to eat. The lady came back to get my order. She left saying it would be a minute before I get my food. I looked out the window thinking about that beautiful  beast, I couldn't call him anything other than beautiful in the 'rough around the edges' type of guy. I see him through out random parts of the day like now. Today he's wearing black leather pants this time with a tight dark gray shirt that hug his muscles like a second skin. Just seeing makes heat pool in womb that have me shift uncomfortable in my sat.

  It seems he busy with something cause him and along some other men that are big as well are rushing around like madmen. Is all his friends huge like him? I wondered, Then man that I seen him with came up to whisper something in his ear. I figured they must be really close or something cause I'm always seeing together but not like lovers, Red Eyes always seems irritated whenever he comes around. I call him Red Eyes since I don't know his real name.

  I just slightly turned my head and that all it took for him to notice me. He turned his head to the side and stare into eyes and once again I get lost in his eyes. And like every other times my heart pounds in my chest and my breath hitch a little bit. Its like he studying me, like he's searching for something. He was about to step towards me when I was brought of it when a plate of hot pancakes, bacon, sausages, and a bowl of oatmeal were places in front. My mouth watered even more now that it's in front me.

  I looked back at the window to see if Red Eyes was still but to my disappointment all I saw was outside. Pushing him and my disappointment to the side I dug into with no mercy. Before I knew it my plate was empty and I had a full stomach. I must come here more the food is great, I thought to myself. "My you must have been hungry. "I never saw a girl inhale food as fast as you before." A voice said as I looked up at the lady who served me the food. I gave a small smile and looked down at the table. "Ya new to this ol' town" it was said as a statement but I still nod my head. "Well welcome to Chade, my name is Lauren and the cook is my husband. His name is Kris." Lauren said with a bright smile on her expectant face. Debated if I should tell her my name but I'm in a town in the middle of nowhere, who look for me here?

  Offered my hand "I'm Leslie, nice to meet you Lauren." I returned her smile but then suddenly she frowned leaned forward to take off my glasses. She gasped and I put back on my glasses and turned away from her pitiful look. I hate pity I don't need nor do I want it. I felt a hand my chin turning back to look at Lauren, she had water in her eyes "Who would do such a thing to you? Is there any more damage? And please do not lie to me I saw you limping and holding side as you made your over here." She said before I could say any thing. I open my mouth to say no but the look on her face reminded me a mother scowling a five year, I closed my mouth nodded my head as I tears fell down my cheeks.

   She quickly hugged me and yelled something back at her husband as she led me out the diner. I didn't look up in fear of people looking at me. Lauren was whispering things in my ears but I pay no mind to what she was saying. The pain of the last twenty years finally came bursting out. Why did they have to do those things to me, it wasn't my fault that I was born different than them. I thought I get rid of feelings and emotions when it came to my family but apparently I haven't dealt with it. Those cruel do deserve my tears and yet here I am in a nowhere town with an unknown kind person, in a unfamiliar building. How did my life take a turn for the worst?

  I must-have passed out cause I woke up in a I never seen before. It look like an hospital room with the smell disinfectant. I was confused as where I was Lauren must have noticed my confused look cause she explain that we're at the town's only hospital. I relaxed a little apologizing for crying and making a scene for her. She just wave me off and said she would help the best she can.

  There was a knock on the door, came in a fairly young looking doctor. He couldn't be no more than thirty five with gray hair at his temple. He was good looking like the guy from True Blood, a Joe something. "Well miss you have quite the injuries. You have three fractured ribs, your left leg is fractured in two different places, and some really nasty bruising all over your body." The doctor says as he look over my chart. I just there and nodded my head. "I'm going wrap your ribs and leg up and give you some medicine for the pain. You also need a lot of rest to let your body heal. Alright?" The doctor tells me, I thanked him and got pain pills.

  Lauren help me off the bed and grabbed our things out the chair and we left the hospital. Lauren took me back to my motel room. She help me out of my clothes and changed into more comfortable ones. Giving me a glass of water and two pills, I swallow them, then she led me to the bed and tucked me in. Wishing me goodnight, even through it's early afternoon.

   It wasn't how I pictured it but it's better than how it would be if I was still at home. Happy twenty first birthday to me, is my last thought before drifting off to sleep.


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