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It's been a whole week ever since Amour Lupin made her last move. Nayeon is staring at the board trying to figure out something.

"It's been a week and Amour Lupin seems to be quiet" Jeongyeon says.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Dahyun askes.

"No, we need to arrest her as soon as possible" Jihyo answers Dahyun.

"Do you have any lead chief?" Nayeon askes Jihyo.

"Uh... no..." Jihyo says.

"I do want to get to the bottom of this but the real problem here is that we don't even have a lead to begin our investigation" Nayeon cross out alot of pictures on the board.

"How about her dress?" Dahyun askes.

"Nayeon asked me to check that too but I didn't find anything so it's probably custom made by her" Jeongyeon answers.

"Anything else that we can use? equipment? shoes? mask?" Dahyun trying her best.

"Up till now she always come empty handed and leave empty handed, her shoes and mask seems to be custom made too... she is really concealing her identity" Nayeon says.

"Soooo what can we do now?" Dahyun seems to have lost her hope.

"Well we can try and ask Mina..." Nayeon suggests.

"No!" Jihyo immediately respond.

"You want to arrest her but you won't take the risk"

"It's because we are police officers not a vigilante, we have protocols"

"Maybe Mina was right... fuck you protocols, I'm gonna go for a walk" Nayeon leaves the room and leaving the three in there.


Nayeon takes a walk in the park wondering if what Mina did all this time was the right thing or not. She keeps on walking and wondering until she finds Mina by the lake with her dog Ray giving out food to the ducks. 

Nayeon tries to approach Mina but Mina already sensed her presence.

"What brings you here?" Mina askes which stunned Nayeon.

"I'm here because of Amour Lupin..." Nayeon replies nervously.

"What does she have to do with me?" Mina tries to tease Nayeon.

"You understands her more than any of us, so we need your help to track her down and arrest her"

"Ahhh still with the whole arrest thingy" Mina laughs.

"Please help us" Nayeon bows to Mina.

"Why do I have to help you, I'm no longer a police officer I don't even have a job now" Mina says which made Nayeon felt sympathy for her.

Nayeon sits down beside Mina and Mina didn't bother to even look at her.

"How's life been for you?" 

"I told you I don't have a job so I just live on my savings" Mina throws another crumb of bread to the duck.

"I'll give you money... so-"

"Don't try to bribe me even though I'm no longer wearing that badge I still hold to my moral code" Mina cuts off Nayeon.

"I'm not bribing you but I'm turning to you for help because you're the only we can turn to"

"I assume Jihyo didn't approve of this" 


"I don't hate that woman... she just don't want any of her subordinate loses their job" Mina smiles.

"All these years I've worked with her she's really one of the greatest police officer I've met, like all of us she has a moral code too... one that she can't afford to break" Mina continues.

"And what is it?" Nayeon askes.

"She lost her partner back then because she abandoned a plan to save hostages...



Jihyo and Yuna was on the mission of tracking down a drug lord inside of a warehouse. The situation was very bad for them because Yuna has already injured her left leg and the drug lord won't stop shooting at their direction.

"Officers! why did you only bring a pistol with you here, that's pretty stupid" The drug lord laughed.

"Two more teams are coming in 5 minutes we need to hold for them" Jihyo said.

Suddenly a group of people can be heard shouting from the other side of the warehouse.

"Help us! please!" The hostages shouted.

"Yuna there are still hostages over there" Jihyo said.

"Oh what do we have here" The drug lord is slowly heading towards the screaming.

"He's going for the hostages!" Jihyo was sweating.

"I need you to cover me please" Jihyo said.

"But we should wait for backup we can't do this Jihyo" Yuna said.

"Yes we can, just believe me... on the count of 3" Jihyo was getting ready to sprint.

Jihyo shouted 3 and ran as fast as she can to the other side of the warehouse, when the drug lord was about to shoot her Yuna quickly shot him. The drug lord turned his attention to Yuna and fires a bullet, because Yuna was injured she didn't get to avoid in time thus the bullet went through her chest.

Jihyo slide down the boxes and turn her head to Yuna only to see Yuna lying on the ground with blood coming out of her. Jihyo was devastated to see her actions has caused Yuna her own life.

On the day of the funeral the sky was cloudy and it rained that day. Jihyo was standing in front of her partner's grave regretting her decision of not listening to her. Yuna's mother approached Jihyo from the back and patted her shoulder. Jihyo turned around and was speechless to say anything.

"Don't blame yourself Jihyo, Yuna told me that she admires your bravery to save people. So her death wasn't for nothing. If she was still here... she would say the same" Yuna's mother walked away from Jihyo.


"She was a caring leader..." Mina finish off her sentence.

Mina wraps her paper bag and stands up. 

"Why are you telling me this?" Nayeon is confused.

"Because I am just like her, I have a desire to save and protect people even if it would cost me everything" Mina walks away.

"So will you help me find Amour Lupin?" 

"I wanna ask you a favor" Mina turns back.


Mina opens her phone and show the news of a new jewel shop opening at the mall to Nayeon.

"Let me know when Amour Lupin has annouce her next move" 

𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙...

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