Our Memories

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"EH?" Jeongyeon and Dahyun was suprised.

"You want to hang out with us again?" Dahyun says.

"The last one went well right?" Sana then says.

"Yea It did" Jeongyeon answers.

"So why not?" 

"Hmmm we will consider that if we are free tomorrow" Dahyun says.

"Thank you for considering it" Sana then gives the foods to them and they leave the bakery.

"I'm so excited yaaaaa" Tzuyu squeaks.

"Calm down Yoda" Sana hits her on the head.

Sana goes to the kitchen and takes out something from her bag, it was the perfume that Nayeon bought her before. It was empty but she still keeps the bottle as a way to appreciate what Nayeon did to her.

"Do you still remember all the good things you've done to people?" Sana askes while looking at the bottle with a smile. 


The next day has arrived and they decided to go to the theme park again because everyone seem to love it. They girls arrived first before the officers so they waited for them near the entrance, not long after the officers arrive and they head on in.

They go around the theme park riding almost every ride they can and playing all the games the park has to offer to the guests. All the time they were having fun Sana can't take her eyes off Nayeon because she is looking for a chance to talk to her personally one last time before she execute her main plan.

They finally stop in front of the haunted house.

"Are we ready?" Jihyo askes.

"Not really" Momo answers nervously.

"Then let's head on in!" Jihyo rushes in the haunted house and everyone else follows.

The haunted house is a partner based attraction so they had to choose a partner and Sana ended up with Nayeon, so she insist on using this opportunity to say what she wants to say. They walk through the first part of the haunted house where it's all decorated with skeleton so it doesn't spook anyone.

"Hey Nayeon" Sana says as they walk through the haunted house.

"Yes Sana?"

"I have a question"

"Just ask I don't mind it" 

"Do you remember all the good things you have done to people?" Sana's question made Nayeon stops walking and turn around.

"I work as a police officer, everyday I help people because that's my job if I were given the chance to I would love to remember all the good things I did to people. At the same time I'm a human I'm imperfect I can't do that and it's ok" Nayeon answers with a smile. Nayeon then continues to walk through the haunted house with Sana following her back.

Sana is still wondering if she should mentioned about what happened between them a year ago. She is afraid if she does what will happen then when she reveals her identity wouldn't that bring Nayeon self esteem down because she is friend with a thief.

Sana remains silent throughout the whole walk of the haunted house and when they exit the place it's already night time and the bright stars has once again covered the sky. They walk to the piers to see the sea when suddenly Mina appears on the fences of the piers.

"Mina!" Jihyo shouts.

Everyone is shocked to see Mina here.

"What do you want from us Mina?" Nayeon takes out her gun and aim it at Mina. Sana stays behind Nayeon.

"Oh sorry to interrupt your date night but here" Mina throws an envelope to the ground.

"Amour Lupin asked me to send this to you people"

"Where is she?" Nayeon askes.

"I don't know she's so secreative" 

"Bullshit!" Nayeon replies.

"Adieu" Mina jumps off the fence and dive into the cold water as everyone just look at it from above.

𝙏𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙...

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