The Strongest

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Amour Lupin and Mina enters the lounge area and see Yeji with her people's playing a board game. Yeji saw them and stops the game.

"I see you have multiply since the last time we meet" Yeji chuckles.

Ryujin stands up and goes near Mina.

"Hello I'm Ryujin and what are you guys here for today?" Ryujin askes while teasing to unmask Mina.

"We need a new toy to win against the polices" Mina answers

"So you will only show up when you want to beg at Lucy?" Ryujin keeps teasing them while Lia just continues to read her book and Yeji becomes more interested in what Ryujin is doing.

"Yeah then we stab each other... isn't that what us criminals do" Mina smirks and Amour Lupin drops a smoke bomb in the room completely covering the whole room. 

Jihyo and Chaeryoung saw the smoke and rush into the room. Once they enter the room they turn on the heat sensor on their weapons and shoot all the thugs in the room. Yeji and Lia goes behind the couch to cover and run away.

Once the smoke has start to clear the 4 of them meet up and look around the room which is filled with dead bodies.

"They got away" Jihyo says when suddenly Ryujin appears behind of them with a bottle of wine almost hitting Jihyo in the head but luckily Amour Lupin manages to shoots the bottle before it hit Jihyo.

Jihyo quickly drops down and Chaeryoung kicks Ryujin in the chest causing her to fall down.

"Are you ok Jihyo?" Chaeryoung askes.

"Yeah I'm ok" Jihyo answers while breathing quickly.

"I'll handle her so you guys should just keep on moving" Chaeryoung says to the three of them.

Mina picks up Jihyo and the three of them continues to chase after Yeji and Lia. Ryujin stands up and see Chaeryoung is ready to engage in a hand to hand combat with her. Ryujin who is a very energetic and hyper person immediately rushes to Chaeryoung and delivers the first punch...


Upstairs Nayeon joins Dahyun and Jeongyeon guarding the area.

"I wanna go down there" Nayeon says to the two of them.

"We need to stay here until we get a green flag to go down there" Jeongyeon tells Nayeon.

"What if they are in trouble, it's been like 10 minutes and they should have contact us by now" Nayeon says.

"Just go and check the situation, don't do anything" When Jeongyeon says that Nayeon sprints to the elevator.

Luckily they already planned to leave the key card inside of the elevator so that whoever is upstairs can come over downstairs to help. Nayeon scans the key card and pushes the button. After a few second she arrives at the place, she takes out her gun and slowly make her way through the hallway.

She stops by the door because she heard behind the door there is a sound of two woman struggling. She opens the door and see that Chaeryoung head is already bleeding and is lying down on the floor while Ryujin is still standing strong. 

"I'm the strongest here... even Lucy doesn't stand a chance against me" Ryujin says with pride.

Nayeon slowly approaches Ryujin and hits her in the head with a stool she picked up. Ryujin falls to the side and Nayeon rushes to Chaeryoung.

"Your head it's bleeding, are you ok?"

"I can still fight just go and help the others" Chaeryoung tells Nayeon.

"I can't leave you here" Nayeon wraps Chaeryoung's head with a piece of cloth she ripped out of her cloth.

Ryujin stands back up and grabs a wine bottle from the counter and rushes to Nayeon to hit her in the head but Chaeryoung manages to fire a bullet at Ryujin's right's shoulder causing her to be unable to use her right arm fully.

"That's enough help from you" Chaeryoung laughs.

"Are you sure you're gonna be ok?" Nayeon is hesitate to leave Chaeryoung here.

"They probably need more help than me right now so go!" Chaeryoung pushes Nayeon and Nayeon continues to run down another hallway. 

Chaeryoung and Ryujin both stands up with blood slowly coming out from both of them.

"Shall we continue?" Chaeryoung smirks.

"Go to hell" Ryujin rages.


Nayeon runs down the hallway without a direction to follow when suddenly she saw a trail of blood on the floor. She tries to stay positive and follows the trail of blood. The trail leads her to a factory like room where alot of boxes is store there.


Back at the lounge area Ryujin is struggling to deliver punches now as her left shoulder is hurt, but that doesn't stop that raging beast from attacking Chaeryoung in many other ways. 

"It doesn't matter what condition I'm in you're gonna die in my hands" Ryujin coughs after saying that.

"You have a very big ego and a corrupted personality no wonder you got caught in a drug deal" Chaeryoung teases her. That angers Ryujin even more so she grabs a knife on the table and tries to stab Chaeryoung's left eye but because her right shoulder is very weak Chaeryoung just hit there simultaneously and Ryujin keeps failing at stabbing her eye.

"I am a militia killing people is my expertise" Ryujin keeps reflecting her ego on Chaeryoung even though she is struggling to even stand.

Chaeryoung pushes Ryujin to the counter and grabs the knife from her hand and aim it for her left eye. Ryujin uses all of her energy to hold back the knife from touching her skin.

"Give it up officer, you won't kill me right... if you do then you will become a corrupted officer " Ryujin tries to outsmart Chaeryoung.

"Sorry to break it to you but killing you all is apart of our plan" Chaeryoung uses all of her energy to push the knife.

Finally the knife lands on Ryujin's left eye and Ryujin hands starts to fall off from Chaeryoung meaning she has died. Chaeryoung takes a step back and goes to the couch. She finally gets to relaxed after one tired fight.

"Looks like I'm the strongest now" Chaeryoung laughs as she pour a bottle of water into a glass.

𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙...

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