Good and Evil

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"Amour Lupin has made her next move, this time she's gonna rob a fossil from the seoul museum" Nayeon shows a picture of the fossil on the screen.

"But why a fossil?" Dahyun askes.

"It's cheaper if you steal from a museum than to conduct an excavation" Jeongyeon replies.

"Amour Lupin... we're gonna arrest her tonight no matter what" Jihyo says in a furious tone.

"But chief... Mina was right last time about Amour Lupin plans and this one seems to be pretty similar" Nayeon says.

"She's not around this time and we won't waste our time to listen to her bullshit" 

Everyone just nods to what Jihyo said.


Mina enters the bakery like usual and this time Tzuyu greets her.

"Welcome officer" Tzuyu says with a smile.

"A coffee and a donut please" 

"Just for you? what about your co worker?" Tzuyu was confused as this was not their regular order.

"They'll come by later, I'm on my own right now" Mina explains and Tzuyu nods.

After a few minutes of waiting Tzuyu comes back with the coffee and donut in a paper bag. She hands the paper bag to Mina and she pays for it. After Mina left the bakery Sana decides to follow her so she takes off her apron and grabs her bag.

"Tell Chaeyoung I need to go somewhere" Sana rushes out of the store.

"Unnie..." Tzuyu didn't suspect anything.

Sana follows Mina from a distant to see where it will lead her. After a few minutes walking they arrive at Mina's house, the gate is automated so there is no way for Sana to lockpick it. She looks around the house in a distant and goes to the nearest toilet.

Mina slides open her sliding door and sits down in her mini garden. She takes out the coffee and donut and plays some music on her phone. Before she could take a bite off her donut she noticed Amour Lupin is behind her.

"You know that trespassing is a crime" Mina puts down her donut.

"Does that shocked you?" 

"Obviously no, but do respect my privacy"

"Arrest me then" Amour Lupin offers her hand.

"I'm off duty... so why are you here"

"Well I was gonna play around with you but I don't think I'll get anything out of it" Amour Lupin grabs a chair and sits down.

"I heard you have announced your next target"

"Yes, I wanna steal a fossil from the Seoul museum" 

"So you steal stuff and sell it at the black market for profit"

"Well that's half true"

"What do you mean" Mina was intrigued by Amour Lupin's response. She uses this opportunity to learn about everything Amour Lupin crime career.

"Well I do steal stuff and sell in the black market but I don't usually take all the money for myself, I have a job you know when I'm in my citizen persona"

"So you have a life, then why did you became a thief" 

"An action doesn't define if it's good or evil, I believe the meaning behind it is what define the action"

"You don't understand what it means to wear the badge" Mina slowly becomes closer to Amour Lupin. She remains her cool even when it seems like she is mad unlike Jihyo. Amour Lupin pushes her away and stands up.

"Then tell me officer... how many people have died in the name of justice" Mina is reminded at all of the causalities and death that took place throughout her days of being a police officers.

"We all have our own means of doing things we believe is right... that's why that night I asked you which one is more important your job or me... I was impressed by your officer" 

Mina walks up to Amour Lupin and grabs her collar.

"Don't talk like you know me, now get lost before I rip your mask..." Mina let go of Amour Lupin and she runs away.


The police enters the fossil exhibit and to their surprise Amour Lupin is already there admiring a very shiny stone in the middle of the room.

"Don't move Amour Lupin" Nayeon shouts.

"Ah officers you're here" 

The three of them move slowly to Amour Lupin but suddenly Mina rushes in and push his subordinate aside.

"Hehe I know you would come" 

Mina goes to Amour Lupin and engages in a hand to hand combat again.

"Pushing your luck again?" Amour Lupin provokes her while dodging a punch.

"You don't know what I fight for you in no place to say anything to me you scumbag" Amour Lupin slides away as Mina fires multiple bullet throughout the room and destroys a couple of glass display.

"Mina stop!" Nayeon runs to Mina to try and grabs her gun. Amour Lupin uses the opportunity to grab two stones from the broken glass display then she throws a smoke bomb to escape from the police.

When the smokes dies down Mina was very furious, she throws her gun on the floor and kicks it far away. She looks around and see that the exhibit is in a huge mess with broken glass and artifacts all over the floor.

"Mina are you ok?" Nayeon tries to touch Mina's shoulder but she walks away before Nayeon could do it.

"What now jeongyeon?" Dahyun askes in fear.

"We need to clean this up don't we" Jeongyeon replies in disbelief.

"Mina why did you came?" Nayeon askes Mina who's walking to the exit.

"It's my duty to take her down"

"But look at everything now! we have a plan, we are an organized team"

"But she outsmart everyone for more than a year now, you think your shitty plan will work?" Mina looks back at Nayeon and left Nayeon speechless.

"Mina... you are not always like this, is there something wrong?" Dahyun is concerns about her.

"She's everything I fight for all these years and I want to prove that she is wrong" 

"What do you mean by that?" Nayeon questions her.

"Goodluck on what's ahead Mina this doesn't look good for you" Jeongyeon says.

"I don't care"

Mina walks away from them and leaves the museum.

𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙...

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