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"Mi..Mina..." Jihyo is not believing what she is seeing at the moment. A long time friend... a best friend you could say has betray her.

"What are you doing... Mina" Jihyo says in disappointment.

"Mina why?" Nayeon says.

"I'm doing this because this is the only way" Mina answers.

"What do you mean by tha-"

"You betrayed us Mina... you betrayed me..." Jihyo cuts off Nayeon.

"I'm doing this for the greater good, it sounds cliche but you'll understand about it when the time comes" Mina replies.

"Mina we can clear all of this misunderstanding" Nayeon tries to approach her.

"Step back Nayeon, she betrayed us  and I don't want that to happen to anyone else" What Jihyo said hit Mina in the heart but she knows this is all worth it.

"Stop Mina!" Jihyo let go of her gun and it falls down to the floor. Everyone are watching Jihyo.

"You... you have the right to remain silent" Jihyo charges to Mina and engage in a hand to hand combat. Mina was going easy on Jihyo because she didn't want to hurt her former co-worker. Dahyun rushes to them to stop the fight but Nayeon holds her back.

"Stop it! there is no reason for you two to fight" Dahyun begs to them.

"There is a reason for us to fight and that is justice" Jihyo says.

"You don't know what I fight for all this time Jihyo" Mina then says.

They continue on to fight as Dahyun,Jeongyeon and Nayeon just stand there and watch all of it happen.

"Mina, I got what we need let's go" Amour Lupin says near the window.

"Like I will let you" 

Amour Lupin throws a smoke bomb at Jihyo and Mina runs away with Amour Lupin. After the smoke cleared out Jihyo was seen lying on the ground looking at a photo of her with Mina. Everyone else isn't brave enough to come near Jihyo because they know Jihyo is in a very unstable emotion state.


On a rooftop Mina and Amour Lupin stops by

"You did great there" Amour Lupin says.

"You turned me into a monster" Mina replies.

"You're the one who wanted to fight for justice" Amour Lupin smirks.

"And that's the only reason I'm doing this... now our deal" Mina turns to Amour Lupin.

Amour Lupin takes off her mask and reveal that it was Sana all the time. Mina wasn't very shocked of this reveal as she has a slight suspicion on her before.

"It was you... I should have known" Mina takes off her mask.

"You should have noticed it you're a smart one" Sana chuckles.

"I don't have time to stalk people... that also explains how you enter my house that day, you stalked me from the bakery" 

"Well I didn't expect you to come to me actually, but you made my job easier" 

"You're calling this a job?"

"I mean yeah, we fight for justice" Sana smiles.

"We're not a team, I'm just helping you out until we caught the big fish" Mina walks away from Sana.

"Hey aren't you worried they're gonna come up at your doorstep tonight?" 

Mina stops and turns around.

"I was never a bad guy from the beginning Mina" Sana says.

"So what do you wanna say to me?" 

"Come over and stay with me for now they won't find you at my place" Sana stands up.

"This music sheet?" Mina points to the music sheet Sana stole.

"I'll keep this for my own collection for now" 


𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗱𝗮𝘆...

While everyone is busy calming down Jihyo after yesterday's incident Nayeon got a text message from Mina. She opens it and read it without letting anyone noticing it.

[MINA] You want to talk?

[NAYEON] What do you mean?

[MINA] Like last time meet me by the lake

Nayeon turns off her phone and leaves the room without anyone noticing her. On the way to the park alot of thoughts were running around her mind. Is Mina really siding with Amour Lupin now, if she's not then what is her true intention. Can Mina reclaim her position as a police officer after this.

She just keeps on walking until she finally reach by the lake where she met Mina last time, She sees someone who's wearing a black coat sitting there waiting for something. She approaches the person and sits beside them.

"Do you believe in me Nayeon?" Mina askes as she takes off her mask.

"I do a little..." Nayeon replies with hesitation.

"That's good enough for me"

"So what do you want to talk about"

"Like last time I wanna tell you Nayeon, I don't hate Jihyo and what I am doing right now is for everyone's sake not just for my own profit" 

"I know you want to do what is right... but why did you decided to become a thief... I just can't believe that you, someone I looked up to turn to the enemy side" Nayeon says.

"Those who can't rely on the police becomes phantom thief... they take measure into their own hands" Mina sighs.

"So do you mind telling me the reason behind this?"

"I can't right now but you'll see it soon, it's quite big so yeah" 

"Is that everything?"

"I just want to make sure that not everyone in the team hates me or this won't work out" 

"So you're using me?"



"Here" Mina cuts off Nayeon and gives her a card. She then leaves her there.


Nayeon walks back into the office and see that Jihyo has already calm down.

"I made this team because I believe everyone here would work together to help make this city a better place for everyone, I still hold to that despite what's happened"

"Oh Nayeon you're back" Dahyun mentions.

"Here I have this..." Nayeon puts the card on the table.

"Another card? where did you get it?" Jeongyeon questions her.

"While I was walking back someone in a black jacket bumped into me and suddenly this was in my pocket"

"Mina..." Jihyo whispers.

"It could be Amour Lupin too" Hearing Dahyun says that she remembers that she forgot to asked Mina about Amour Lupin's identity.

"So she said she's gonna rob a wood carving gallery next" Jeongyeon reads out the card out loud.

Jihyo then stands up from her seat and goes to the middle where everyone is.

"No matter day and night, no matter how many times, we won't give up... as a team" Jihyo says.

𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙...

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