The Grand Plan

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Sana enters her house and see that Mina is sitting on her couch again with layers of blankets on her. She is seen to be shivering because of the cold water she dived into.

"You need to pay me for that cold water" Mina says as she shivers.

"Heh it's a part of being a phantom thieves" Sana walks to front and turn on the heater.

"That feels better" Mina says in relief.

"So did you do what you wanted?" Mina askes her.

Sana just walk to the kitchen and drink a glass of water.

"I assume you didn't... well I can understand why you choose not to" 

"You are a very understanding person"

"That's why I became a police officer I understand people's pain and I want to help them"

"Well you're not one anymore"

"But I'm still doing the same thing... those who couldn't rely on the police becomes a phantom thief" Mina says slowly.

"You stole my quote" Sana washes the glass.

"So what's next?" Mina askes her.

"The grand plan"

"The grand plan?"

"The envelope you sent wait till they read about it" 

"What's in it?"

"Just follow my step tomorrow" Sana walks to the couch and sits beside Mina.

"Now excuse me I wanna sleep, you're not going home?" 

"Too cold" Mina is still shivering.


The next day Sana enters the bakery and hugs Chaeyoung immediately. Chaeyoung was confused when she is suddenly hug by Sana. 

"What's the occasion Sana?" Chaeyoung askes in confusion.

"I just want to let you know that I love you so much" Sana says softly to Chaeyoung's ear.

"Yeah I know that but why all of a sudden?" Chaeyoung keeps getting more confused with what Sana is doing.

Sana brings Chaeyoung to the table and sit down so she can explain everything that is gonna happen.

"Ok so here's what is gonna happen" 

Behind the counter Tzuyu and Momo is seen to be eavesdropping the two infront.

"A week ago, one of the officer... Mina was fired because of me so she then comes to me and asked to become a phantom thief too and that she would help me but in return I need to turn myself to the police once everything is done" Sana explains.

"Wait wait wait that's too much for me to take in" Chaeyoung stands up from her seat and tries to process what Sana just said.

"Yes I know and I don't want you to worry about me but at the same time you also need to know about this"

"So you're gonna be in jail after this?"

"Yes..." Sana says nervously.

Chaeyoung immediately hug her best friend while tears started to fall down.

"I'm not letting you go"

"Chaeyoung all this time you know I'm doing this for everyone" 

"But what about me, Tzuyu and Momo? are you just gonna abandon us?"

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