The Future

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"I know you regret alot of stuff in your life""I don't""There's no point in lying""And is there a reason for me to talk about it?"Mina was suddenly lost in her words. The sound of footsteps keeps getting louder as the clock keeps on ticking. Nayeon, the police officer who arrested them two years ago stand in front of their cell."Bonjour... is that how you say it?" Nayeon was confused."You need more practice" Sana chuckles"But I practiced for two years for this moment" Nayeon pouts."We clearly see there's a gap between us" Sana says in a sarcastic tone."Ah yes the cell door and these keys" Nayeon jingles the keys to provoke the two thieves inside of the cell.Nayeon opens the cell door and escorts the two to the car. The two enters the car and look at Nayeon through the rear mirror."How was it like life in there? is the food good?" Nayeon teases her"How are my friends?""They're waiting for you""I want a different answer"While the two exchange conversations Mina just stay quiet the whole ride.


Sana steps out from the car and rushes to hug her friend who is waiting for her. Mina on the other hand, she seems to be a little down. the frown on her face just can't be cover. it may be due to her feeling guilty for what she did to the team.Nayeon comes to her and pat her back."It's been 2 years sis...""And nothing change""It doesn't matter, Jihyo is open to bring you back into the team" Nayeon takes Mina inside of the building.The two enters the room. Everyone is present there staring at her, they're feeling a feeling that even words can't express it. Mina hands were shaking as 2 years had really made her reflect her decisions."Mina..." Jihyo says softly."I don't wanna come back""No I'm not asking you to" Jihyo tries to convince her."I know you better than everyone, you just want me to come back" "You are a good asset to the team" Jeongyeon exclaims."Used to""We can just start again" Dahyun continues."No" Mina turns around.Jihyo quickly grabs Mina hand before she gets to hold the door handle."You are pure hearted Mina... you want to fight for the right thing just like us... it doesn't matter I'm telling you" "You wouldn't understand because you're not in my shoes" Mina walks away from the room."I told you, nothing's gonna come out of it" Jeongyeon takes a bite out of a bagel."We can keep trying" Jihyo replies."Until when?" Jeongyeon askes."Until we get her back" Nayeon cuts Jihyo.-----------------------------------------------------------------

Sana hugs Chaeyoung tightly as she truly miss her bestfriend."Welcome back my bestfriend" Chaeyoung couldn't hold back her tears."I miss you" Sana replies while tears falls down her cheeks.Momo and Tzuyu joins the two hugging and their tears falls down the cheeks too. Sana felt that she has finally reach her happy ever after. Sana sits down and listens to all the stories that her three bestfriends are telling. Alot really happen in the span of two years. While their were busy with the story telling Sana saw Mina leaving the police building. She feel that it was the right thing to do to ask her what will she do next.Sana goes out of the bakery and stops Mina."Mina!" Mina turns around."Sana...""So what's next for you?" "I don't really have anything to look forward to next so what about you?" Mina explains."Live my life as Minatozaki Sana but when the time needs it I'll be Amour Lupin once again""You're willing to go back in jail?""No, I'm just willing to fight for what's right""Fight for what's right..." Mina ponders for a moment...

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