Chapter 10

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Tyler's POV


I took my guard uniform and changed at home. I came back later to the facility and took my position outside the cell. I looked in to check who was awake. Just Vikk was awake. He stared lovingly into the sleeping Australians eyes yet not waking him. I faintly smiled at the sight of them and looked over at my college for tonight. He didn't say much, just stared forwards. His badge said: "Adam. Security Guard. Trainee."
His shades covered his eyes and his arms were crossed. All I heard from him was the occasional grunt. I held my club tightly and gulped. It's now or never. I stepped closer to Adam and held up my club. Heavily, I brought the club down onto his head, knocking him out. His limp body flopped down onto the cold, hard, marble ground. Vikk bolted up at the sound of this. He jogged to the bars to see the unconscious guard.

"Wait, what? How? Who?"

He hissed. I showed my club and unlocked the gate.

"Wake up the others! Im breaking you guys out."

I whispered back in response. I had explained everything to Vikk as he woke everyone up. I explained how I didn't agree with any of this but Preston had endangered the thing I loved. I couldn't let him be hurt so I had no choice but to agree. Vikk smiled and patted me on the back sympathetically. I was glad he understood.
Everyone was awake.

"Right, follow me, don't touch anything and stay on your toes, if we make it out, we make it out as a team. Got it?"

I said hopefully. They all nodded and smiled. Mitch and Jerome were nearest the front. Brandon and Rob near the middle and Lachlan and Vikk at the back. I thought it would be best for them to talk it over. Leave love to work its magic. I walked around the empty hallways, leading my group to freedom. For the best, I said to myself, it's for the best. I was going to show them I wasn't the weaker one with the brains. I was the crafty, sneaky, smart one.

Lachlans POV

I knew Tyler put me at the back with Vikk for a reason. I smiled a little. He was the first thing I saw when I woke up from being unconscious. Jerome explained how he had been waiting by my side all the time and I couldnt help but blush. Maybe him and me were meant to be? I chuckled slightly at that thought.

"What's so funny?"

Vikk asked, looking up. I jumped when he spoke. He hadn't spoken since he got us all up to escape.


I stammered. Stammering? Really! I had known him for a while and all I could was stammer! I was acting like an idiot. Almost as idiotic as when Prestons cronies kidnapped Vikk. His hand seemed to try to fit inside mine. I smiled and blushed a little.

"What's up? Scared of dark corridors?"

I asked. He cringed a little and nodded. I sympathised for him and let him hold my hand. It was warm and a little clammy, but it was OK, just as long as he was.
Suddenly, the convoy stopped. Tyler was crouched down and typing something into a key code pad. Alarms were blaring everywhere. Red light flashed around the hall.

"What happened!"

Mitch shouted, trying to be heard over the screaming alarms. Jerome was holding him tightly. Brandon and Rob looked ready to fight what-, or who, ever was coming.

"Moisture detectors! Triggered th's alarms. It's mainly triggered by the moisture from people holding hands."

Tyler shouted back, reciting what the manual said. Vikk and I immediately withdrew our hands from each others. We both looked into each others eyes and blushed a little. Who would've thought that something like that would've triggered our recapture, if we didn't have Tyler. Quickly, he pinned in the destination code but it was a little too late. Armed guards were already surrounding us.

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