Chapter 11 (End Of Part 2)

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Matts POV

I smiled as I watched Lachlan being taken intp the machine. The plan was going great! All was in place. We just needed the lasy man to arrive. Vikk. I knew he would be wanting revenge but we were ready for him. The music changed from the sad song of Dont Go, to the hyped up song of Bonfire. Just before the bass dropped, we saw two hands interlock in an arm wrestle postion infront of the door.

"Let the games begin boys!"

I laughed. I hit the baseball bat against my hand and smiled. Kenny had a sledgehammer and Choco had a homemade mace made from a rock attached to some string.

It was now or never.

Tylers POV

I was aching with nerves. Every part of me wanted this to all be a dream but I knew exactly what I was fighting for. Freedom. They had captured my friends in a machine which I had never seen before. I sighed and

got ready to fight. All we had were sticks. No doubt they had sledgehammers. I looked over at Vikk.

"You ready?"

I asked, unsure of the answer myself. He turned to me and smirked.

"As ready as I'll ever be!"

He grinned. I started to hum The Phoenix, by Fall Out Boy. Suddenly, adrenaline pumoed through my system.

"One maniac at a time, we will take it back"

I muttered. I heard Bonfire start playing in the room and I looked over to Vikk. He was ready.

It was now or never.

Kennys POV

"Choco, protect our tech!"

I barked.  He followed my orders, as he should. I stood with Matt as we watched Vikk and Tyler walk in, with two sticks in their hands. I laughed. Did they really think they could beat me and Matt with delicate sticks?  Oh well, it'll be fun.

Vikks POV (10 minutes earlier)

"Vikk? I wanna give you this."

Tyler piped up before we entered the facility. He held out what looked like an arm brace with a glove on the end. I tilted my head in confusion.

"It's wired up to a power pack hidden there. It's based off of the practical joke, but with a deadly twist."

He smiled, obviously proud of himself.  I smiled and slipped it on. It was lighter than I expected. Then I picked up four sticks. Two for each of us. It would lul them into a false sense of security. So when we use our secret weapon, it would be used to full effect.

"It's perfect Tyler you genius!"

I cheered, flexing my fingers in the glove. He had his own, of course. It felt like we were ready for whatever they would throw at us. We ran in, smirking.

The war was over before it began.

Present Time.

I saw them standing there, smug as anything. We're were the ones who should've been smug but we did our best to hide it. It looked like they took the stick bait as well so this should be an easy battle. I kept hearing small screams and cheers in the background coming from the laptop. I could only pick out one, however. Lachlans.


I heard him scream. I smiled, new rage fueled my attack.  I leapt forward towards Matt, stick in hands. His baseball bat deflected, and broke the sticks. Nevermind. I flicked a switch on the brace and saw electricity fly off the metal rods. Matt stumbled back, obviously frightened. I nodded to Tyler and he switched his on. I looked back at Choco, who was timidly holding a homemade mace. The shadows covered half of his face, which made me even more suspicious.

"Tyler, go to Choco. Ill deal with these."

I hissed. He nodded and walked towards Choco, who shied away. I smiled and the electricity sparked off the wires.

From there I didnt know what happened. Everything blurred. I couldnt control myself. Rage consumed me and I cant remember what happened from here on out. All I knew was that when I could see again, Kenny and Matt were on the floor, faint but breathing. I saw Tyler in front of Choco as a body shield. I stopped and looked around me. What had I done?


Tyler whispered.

"Vikk stop!"

Choco said, cowaring behind Tyler. I relaxed and looked at them both, but mainly at Choco. He had a scar down his face and cuts on his arms. He had bruises everywhere. I looked at him, biting my lip. Then I remembered what he had done to Lachlan an the others.

"You made that machine! How do we stop it!"

I growled, charging up the electricity. Choco panicked and shrugged.

"I didnt think of one! Plus Kenny specifically told me no off button. I couldnt go against him......he'd hurt me..."

He whimpered. I relaxed a little. Hurt? I growled. Hurt? Why would he be hurt? Him and Kenny are partners in crime.

"He told me everything. They have to beat Minecraft to escape. At least thats what we think..."

Tyler gulped. That would be a long long time. A long ass time without Lachlan beside me. I sighed. I'd be able to check on them through H2M but it wouldnt be the same. I'd have to go back to England and to the Sidemen house, not that I have anything against them, it just wouldnt be right. I slumped down against the wall, throwing the power glove to one side. I knew my flight was later tonight. I sighed.

"I better go and pack."

I sighed, walking away. Tyler offered to drive, but I needed to clear my head. Stepping out, I started my lonely way back. The flight was long and tedious, nothing really special. When I got to the airport, I smiled as I saw Josh and Simon.

"Long time no see, aye Vikky!"

Simon shouted. I smiled the best I could and walked over to them.

" isnt it."

I said, dreary form the flight.

"Well, we missed you! I'm glad youre ok."

Josh smiled. I kept thinking of Lachlan. Him being stuck there with the constant threat of death. I just wanted to protect him! I will. Maybe not in person, but I will protect him!


Thats it, ladies and gentlemen.

Part Two is complete!

I hope its as good as you hoped! :D

Anyways, Like I said Part 3 is definitely happening.

And it takes a new approach so keep open minded.

I will be taking a bit of a break to focus a little on Final Goodbyes, my Poofless story

Its going really well so far!

And Exams are here! YAY! *so much sarcasm I cant count it*

So yeah.....


Ill cya on the flipside

Peace out


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