Chapter 5: Aspen

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One year later...

I awoke to soft whimpering from my five-month-old daughter, Elly. With a quick glance at the clock on my nightstand, I see she let me sleep in until six this morning. A banner day with my morning girl. I've learned to go to bed earlier so mornings don't hit me so hard in the face. Rolling out of bed, I leaned over to look at her in her bedside bassinette. I knew I needed to move her to her own bedroom soon, but I'd been thinking that I would turn the master over to her and take the tiny bedroom for myself. Even though the master isn't huge, it will fit her crib, dresser, rocking chair, bookshelf and play area better than the other bedroom.

My girl smiled big at her mama and reached her chubby arms to me. She's an adorable little chunk who you just wanted to squish she's so darn precious.

"Hello, sweetheart," I cooed quietly. "How's my baby girl today?"

She kicked and waved her arms as I picked her up and snuggled her. "So how do you feel about a walk to the park today? We can stop first at the bakery. You don't care so much about that, but mama could go for a latte and a croissant. It's Celebrate Saturday!"

Sinking into the rocking chair, I nestled her close so she could nurse. Elly had a healthy appetite and she got right on her task as she stared at me and I stared back, smiling. It slayed me when she smiled around my breast and I didn't think my heart could contain all this love.

Daire's genes have proven dominant – am I really surprised? – and she is his mini-me. Same abundant dark hair, eyes same unique shade of blue so intense it's almost violet. She even has a dimple on the left side of her mouth, just like her...DNA donor, as I've taken to thinking of him. But it's hard not to think of him when I see his features in her.

I switched her to the other breast and she continued to feed as if she'd never eaten before in her life. My little girl is a little piglet.

When she was done, I burped her then took her into the bathroom and put her in her bouncy seat so I could grab a quick shower. After, I threw on a pair of jean shorts and a pale pink V-neck T-shirt and my running shoes. Then I dressed Elly in an adorable little pink romper and a tiny white eyelet bonnet on her head. "Should we go see Miss Mellie?" I asked her. She loved the bakery owner and they had a mutual admiration society. "Then some park time after our walk. My girl likes to swing, don't you? Maybe if you're not too tired, we can fit in a stop at the shelter and see some puppies. I think we need some nap time, then a trip to the grocery store, some book time, some tummy time – oh, my! Such a busy day, little one."

As a finishing touch, I pulled teeny tiny white anklet socks with pink edging on her pudgy feet. Nobody tells you how utterly adorable baby feet are. I eat them up after her baths and Elly just belly laughs every time.

We walked downstairs to the back of the bakery where Melissande allows me to keep Elly's stroller tucked into a little alcove by the door. Before I pulled it down, I walked into the bakery and greeted Mellissande and her counter girls, Katie and Audra. Since there was a lull, the three of them converged on Elly and oohed and ahhed over her little outfit, giving her kisses.

Elly owned us all, no doubt about it.

I paid for my latte and croissant and decided to eat at the park. Mellissande held Elly while I put my latte in the cup holder and the diaper bag and croissant in the basket underneath. With waves to the girls, we took off on our day's adventures, me chattering to Elly as we strolled down the street. It's a habit I began when I was pregnant and I've kept up in the months since her birth. Talking to her about anything and everything, especially about her father. Of course, I just stuck to the good memories and never talked to her about the last day I spoke with him. We walked for about two hours all over town, saying hello to our friends and chatting with various store keepers. We've made a lot of acquaintances since we moved here in March, and now that's its finally warm, we're deepening those ties since we can stay out longer.

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