A Note

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I met her in a special hospital room, where the pediatric patients could go to play and nothing could happen to them in that room that would hurt them -- no procedures, no blood draws, no IV needles, nothing. Our girls played together at the little round table, chattering away as if it were a normal playdate, and she and I just enjoyed their moment of normalcy for a minute before we got to the What are you here for? conversation.

When she told me her daughter had cystic fibrosis, our eyes locked, mother-to-mother, and a long look passed between us.

I have never forgotten that look.

I have never forgotten her mother's heart.

And I have never forgotten her daughter's bravery or hers.

Through all the years that have passed since then, I have always hoped her daughter is doing well and beating the odds, and that both mother and daughter have stayed strong and courageous in the fight.

I like to think they have.

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