3. Encounter

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Summary: Y/n tries to get out from her room and look for katana around the hotel, but was stopped when she encounters the detective for the second time. They were expecting her for an explanation. She was...odd.

Word count: 3185
Published: 28/3/2022
Update: 28/6/2023

Y/n felt more alive after finally leaving the hotel room. Although it was bigger, luxurious and met with all her needs, she dislike being cooped up in the same unfamiliar place without getting a fresh air to breath. After the breakfast served by Watari, she felt even more better considering they've been taking a good care of her.

Now that's she's wasted two nights in the world without one step ahead of going home, she was a little disappointed in herself. But there's still time, so she thought she doesn't have to rush herself to the point of reaching her limits. Atleast someone offered her a place to stay for the time being.

One step outside the room, everything seemed even more foreign as Y/n tries to keep up her guards. She wasn't familiar with the atmosphere, and frowned at the lack of lights with all the curtains draped closed.

There was another presence, she noticed, as her shoulder jump out of reaction she wasn't expecting. The moment the scent came visible to her nose, she knew him right away.

A tall slender men stood at the doorway, his appearance a little much stealing the attention. He seemed to be the person to grab the first thing they saw in the wardrobe, she thought. The bags under his eyes were noticeable, and that dark gloomy orb that was staring back into her's reminds her of that eyes she felt from her room.

"Hanako." The name of her late sister was on his lips, the only word they can use as her alias. "There's no need to be so tense."

Y/n snapped, realizing how tense her muscle were, a normal reaction everytime she encounters something.

"Sorry." She apologize. "Where's my stuff?"

"It's kept in another room. And we can't let you have it back since it seems to be quite a dangerous weapon." He stated calmly, eyes unblinking. His words made the swordsman frown.

"But I really need it! There's no other replacement!" She exclaimed. Anxious and desperation welled up in her stomach, listening the sternness in the detective's voice.

"We won't take it away from you. This is just a little requirements for our safety." He informed, still wouldn't budge. The girl felt irony in his statement. "Take a seat, we can have a small discussion first." She knew that wasn't a question nor a request. He was basically commanding her.

On the other hand, Y/n had her mind set: she's going to get back her katana and find Watari. Just try to put as much distance as she could from this detective. She was reluctant at first, but now her eyes had a gleamed of lit fire inside, everytime when she's ready to take action.

The detective noticed the change of behavior in her body. She was about to do something. Noted.

He stood still at the doorway, even when the shorter girl took a daring step towards him. He was quite astonished, seeing the brave move. Their eyes didn't break contact for one second, until Y/n stood only a meter away from him.

Then, as fast as a wind, she disappeared from his vision. The dark orbs widen, realizing how she just jump from above his shoulder and took advantage of the little space aside from his figure. She landed almost in perfect silence behind him, then proceed to run away.

Despite having anxiety, she wasn't called a Pillar for nothing. The girl lives up to her reputation.

Y/n didn't know how to lead herself in the long hallway. Just thankfully there were lights on the ceiling placed in one straight line, illuminating the entire hall. She couldn't promise to give these people an explanation after how kind they've been to her. Y/n was mentally mapping the place in her mind, taking notes on every door, windows or furniture that might have uses in the future.

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