5. An Assistant

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Summary: (Y/n) meets the taskforce and were introduced to them for the first time, as Matsuda attempts on bonding a small friendship with the girl.

Word count: 1160
Published: 7/9/2022
Update: 7/9/2022

The room went tense, all eyes on Ryuzaki as he explained his discoveries and deduction throughout the case. Finally, as if first time realizing the presence of the woman, or more precisely, a teen whom is close to becoming an adult woman, were standing just behind on the side of Ryuzaki's chair.

(Y/n), gestured by Watari to enter along the meeting so she can introduce herself by the end of their discussion, somehow felt rather awkward. After being in the corps for a while and undergoing several hard trainings, she got herself quite used to having her presences kept hidden as she creep into the living room, unnoticed.

The faint creeping of blush from the youngest detective doesn't appear unnoticed by the black orb with dark bags under his eyes, as they narrowed wearily down his coffee cup.

Pretty or cute might be what they would see her as, but isn't exactly a word he would use to describe 'Hanako Kamado', from what she prefers to be called. No, perhaps from his first impression and point of view (after all their clashing and encounters), strong and cautious- probably quite tense. And from what he could deduce by her repeated demeanor, clumsy.

"Gentleman," his voice snapped the uncomfortable silence. (Y/n) let out the relief sigh she's been holding. "May I introduce you to my assistant, whom you may refer as Hanako, and will assist us with the Kira case alongside Watari." He gestured the coffee-dripping spoon to her. "I hope you will not be bothered by her presences along us as we work." Ryuzaki turned his attention lazily, back to his coffee.

At this, one of their guest, Soichiro Yagami, she recalled, walks closer to (Y/n) until they stood at arm length. He stretch out his hand and spoke in what she thinks to be formal manner, but somewhat friendly gesture. "I'm Soichiro Yagami. Pleased to meet you."

Thrown off by the sudden attention, (Y/n) had not thought that the taskforce would atleast spare at all an uninterested glance to her. She drew out her hand and caught his bigger ones, and stuttered. "Y-yes!" Shoot- "Yes, I look forward to it," was the reply she could manage to think of. (Y/n) felt a sudden embarrassment flowing inside her.

For a moment, Soichiro had a flint of surprised crossed his face, but did not think any further of it. If this is really the real L they're talking about, then his assistant, Hanako, must be an elite, chosen directly by him despite her shaky demeanor.

I messed up, she thought. It didn't went like how she had hope and practice since the day before... and the day before that... (Y/n) was hoping to not let a speck of her weakness flowing out of her at their first encounter just like how it did with Ryuzaki. But, oh boy, she just couldn't stop being naive and clumsy. That's what (Y/n) hated about herself.

Shinobu was calmed and always plastered that plastic smile on her face (but that anger and annoyance never failed to went unnoticed whenever it crossed her face), despite being the weakest. Still she was an impressive Hashira with remarkable abilities and deserved all her respect.

Mitsuri is, of course, naive and clumsy, but that doesn't change the fact that she is currently the strongest female hashira. (Y/n) had distant flashback when she and the Love Pillar had a hand wrestling competition to determine who's the strongest in terms of physical strength.

(Y/n) did not want to remind herself, after thirty seconds into the game, of having the pain of her bone being cracked and almost broken. . . They are both younger than her, after all.


"So, um... Hanako-san," (Y/n) turn her attention from the stacked of files and paper she just placed on the coffee table, and look at Matsuda. "How long had it been since you work for Ryuzaki?"

Is this his another attempt on trying to start up again with her? She remembered the several attempts of his, trying to be friends with her since they seem to be close of age. But in reality, (Y/n) are only twenty-five, she thought.

There was that one time he offered to help her on making the coffee for the taskforce and Ryuzaki, claiming that he knows the best way to make a coffee tastier. But (Y/n) declined, having been thought by Watari, and knew the sweetest coffee she can ever make would be rather the most tastiest to Ryuzaki.

Or when his attempt to help her carry the papers and files. His mouth were soon hanging open, eyes couldn't believe at what he's seeing - (Y/n) carrying a stacks of the work piles, a little more half her height.

"Hanako," came a voice from the chair, its back facing on all of them. "I require your help in this."

He spoke without even bothering to look at the scene happening behind him, eyes still sticking on the small screen on his desk. The computer felt like the only source of light in their room. With all the curtains draped over, only a thin line of sunlight peeking through the small gap of the fabric. (Y/n) had gotten herself used to this lacked of light after living with Watari and Ryuzaki for quite some time.

She gave an apologetic smile to Matsuda, and hurried to Ryuzaki's assistance. He indicate towards a several files (atleast not as thick as the one the taskforce is currently working on), not taking his eyes off the screen, yet again.

"It's for you."

It wasn't yet another pile she has to deliver around the room this time, but a real work for her? Has Ryuzaki seen the real value in (Y/n) and finally giving some work to do, instead of just walking around passing information or serving coffees?

Excitement flows through the girl, striding towards the files and within seconds, had her eyes clear open to see it's contents.

It was nothing related to the Kira case.

Nor is it anything related to solving mysteries.

'Sumihiko Kamado'

And the file presents Sumihiko's information and bio-data.

The next several pages contains the same for each of the family member, starting from their last descendants and up to their great-grandfather. As it went, the information starts to go lacking, as the older it went, the harder it is to find their origin.

(Y/n) knew that Ryuzaki, L, is a creature of curiosity and a detective that would do whatever it takes to uncover the deepest, even the most darkest mystery. She wonders, whether she should felt amaze or creep out by this.

And at last, the end of the file brings her to a word she very much recognize.

'The Dance of Fire God Ritual'

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