8. Pardoned

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The thunder came crashing down on the world as if spitting on the face of earth. Puddles were quick to form and the local folks didn't bother to wet their shoes as they rush to find shelter. The sky darkens and weep, showering their surroundings with tears.

(Y/n) finds herself a shelter by the bank, just right outside it's glass window. People come in and out, non really paying attention to her presence, their hands full with the sudden change of weather.

Sunny all day, the news said.

Perhaps she has proven herself to Ryuuzaki, or whatever it is the reason, he gave her an assignment this morning. The detective were anticipating a robbery to happen in this very bank — according to his deduction — and she was expected to discern the culprit out of the masses of people and stop the heist from happening.

She has sharps sense and good hunch so that much, (Y/n) was confident she can achieve. There's a shady intent lingering in the room full of people and her skin prickles under any malice, no matter how faint it was, directed either to her or other people. Therefore, the thief had already lost his prize once he enters her circle of scents.

The thief came about fifteen minutes in after her arrival and (Y/n) made her first move.

Surely, when he enters her line of vision, she catch a glimpse of the shiny metal under his sleeve. Fair enough, (Y/n) has a small dagger hidden behind her calf (Ryuuzaki finally agreed to hand her dagger after a little debat against her and Watari together).

When (Y/n) strides across the room to him, her steps were light and almost soundless, her breathing steady. Adults around her were either busy on their phones or they're too oblivious to her passing by. Amongst this masses of crowd, she blends in despite her deep red eyes and maroon head, thanks to Ryuuzaki's choice of clothes to blend in while in undercover.

Her nails dug on his back as she whispered words of threat into his ears if he doesn't do what she says. His shoulder stiffens and his neck started to beaded with sweat while she told him to hand the knife and follow her out of the bank to the back alley.

He comply to her requests without any resistance and it is then that (Y/n) realizes that this boy could not be too far from between her and Tanjiro's age. He could be a minor.

Her curiosity were answered when they were met with a group of older boys gathering in one of the dark alleys. (Y/n) didn't misses the smokes littered on the ground.

"Oi, Aoto," one of the boys stood up from his crouching position.

Aoto, as he is referred as, shuddered under her hold.

"We asked you to bring us the money and you bought a bitch instead?"

That's. . . a poor choice of word, is all (Y/n) can conclude.

Several pair of eyes trained on her, and she knew immediately their intents weren't so pure. One by one they stood and straightened up their spine, carrying a stench smell, stinging her nose.

"Nee-chan," (Y/n) raised her eyebrow. "Sorry for the poor hospitality, our dog here's still in training."

Behind him, they all laugh.

Aoto shoot her an apologetic glance. "I'm so sorry ma'am, you weren't supposed to get involved in this, and I didn't mean to—"

The other boys weren't too far to hear his hushed whispers as they laugh out loud. Aoto stuttered and fall silent. One of them were about to grab her shoulder—

Not quick enough, (Y/n)'s arm flew to grab his wrist and pulled it away, her other free hand stabbed two fingers into his abdomen, right on the vital spot. He plopped down into the puddle as another came charging forward and tries to grab her hair. (Y/n) grab his arm and spin it onto his back, kicked him, and tripped another man using her leg in a circling motion.

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