10. Distracted

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Hi, hello, I'm back. Not sure if some of are still with me, but thanks for reading this far even though my updates are like once every blue moon. I recently started blue lock and considering wether I should make a fic of that (as if my three other fics haven't receive enough discrimination). Anyways, I've figured what to add on the next plot, so enjoy!

Roughly around 2k words.


(Y/n) wasn't sure if the temperature had suddenly dropped cold whenever she came into a certain detective's domain, but definitely something had switched ever since their last interaction. The air couldn't have gotten chilly when they had a heater on 24/7 and she definitely doesn't get sudden goosebumps or feel those stare all out of nowhere because ghost doesn't exist.

(No, Ryuzaki has another pair of eyes on the back of his head and he's observing her while also watching the monitor screen in front of him as she's sorting through the files because that's the only possible explanation).

Is it because that was the first time he's seen (Y/n) let her bloodthirsty intent slide out through all those small cracks that's slowly coming to loose only to be tightly cemented back again, with the additional of higher bricks on top so he can't peek what's on the other side of her heart, anymore?

All because she admitted to him that yes, she's chasing the men who slaughtered her whole family (and thousands, maybe even millions of others too) and a second chance of forgiveness is a no-no possibility? But he's L, the world's renowned detective and justice is a part of his expertise. Surely, he knows there are certain weight of crimes that deserves it's payment?

How should she know, it's Ryuzaki. (Y/n) thinks she'll never learn how his mind works.

Even then, she can still his gaze practically digging a hole through the back of her head.


"Yeah— yes?" His sudden interruption caused a small slip of informality but the other detectives are too concentrate on their own respective matters to even care.

"I have a special mission that's only reserved for you, since you might hold the highest probability of it's success." He turned to her, handing out a thin (thankfully) documents. (Y/n) mentally scoffs at the way he put an emphasis on the 'special' and 'only reserved for you' part. Gee, what does he took her for, a child? "Yay, isn't it exciting?"

Every syllables were spoken in the most bored and dispassionate way a man could ever make from his voice.

He sounds like Tomioka but a little bit more of a bastard.

"Anyways, it's an undercover mission—"

Nevermind, (Y/n) likes going on an undercover mission and she couldn't help the light that returned to her (e/c) eyes.

"— go to Aoyama and accompany Light-kun and Matsui—"

Right, they're on the lookout for the second Kira while also having Light pretend to be the real Kira. (Y/n) noticed that the teen somewhat truly fits the role as a Kira but he somehow always managed to dodge every single suspicion and test that was thrown his way. She swore these two's brains are somehow connected.

"— to keep on the lookout for the second Kira. Are you listening?" Ryuzaki caught the wandering gaze in her eyes and she shook her head a little too fast.

"Please do keep in mind that this undercover mission will be pivotal before we launch the next step." He reminds herand (Y/n) manage a small nod.

Ryuzaki can be strict and reprimanding of the people his working with when it comes necessary to his line of working. (Y/n) respects that, though she thinks he ought to be a little more outgoing and attentive to his colleagues in order to lessen the wary and tense atmosphere whenever they have a meeting with the taskforce.

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