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The table was lightened up with talk between the men and a small conversation between Cecilia and Gracie. I sat in between Henry and Asher moving my food from my plate to my mouth. Four pancakes, hash browns, four pieces of bacon and some orange is what I started out with. I had no reservations on eating in front of people. As a politicians daughter growing up there were many dinner parties. The Greene boys on another hand ate like they would never see food again.

"So, Peyton. Where'd you and Asher meet?" Cecilia asked interrupting the boys conversation.

"Hmm? Oh, at school more than anything." I mumbled sighing as all the attention was on me. I didn't want to mess up.

"Oh, and are you graduating this year too?" She asked munching on some fruit.

"No." I said drinking my orange juice.

"So, what're you two going to do when Asher goes off to college?"

"Cry and eat ice cream. Like a regular teenage girl." I mumble. Asher didn't find my joke very amusing. I could tell by the way his frown grew more prominent during the conversation.

"I meant with your relationship."

"I don't know."

"What did your parents say?" I really wished she would have brung up my parents. There was much I didn't need them to know about. Things I didn't need Asher to know about.

"They're great, very supportive." I said honestly. They were supportive. They wanted me to be with Asher.

"Do you have any siblings?" Cecilia asked.

"Uh, sort of." I shrugged not sure on how to respond to this.

"How do you sort of have siblings?"

"Cecilia drop it." Henry hissed looking at Asher.

"It's okay, I was adopted. So I have foster siblings. But my birth father got married and had a child. My sister, Quinn, she ran away. And my foster brother, Ethan, he moved in with his birth family." I muttered.

"And the other kid?"

"Jasper? Oh he's technically my brother. We have the same dad." I muttered.

"So you don't have any real siblings?" Cecilia asked.

"What's a real sibling?" I asked. I had to watch myself. Asher's family was perfect. I wasn't.

"Blood, everything else doesn't matter. Sure they're nice friends. But they aren't related to you." Cecilia chuckles.

"Peyton, I think I may have left something of ours in the trunk. Can I get a hand?" Gracie asks standing up. I nodded and stood up walking behind Gracie. We sat in the back of the trunk and sighed heavily.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Gracie asks softly.

"No, but I will be." I sighed.

"This family is overwhelming. I can promise you that." She said holding my hand and squeezing it tightly.

"Hmm. I wish I could say I'm not scared. You guys are amazing." I muttered.

"Just be yourself. If they don't like who you are then that's on them. I swear these boys are the most shallow people I know. Asher and Henry not as much. They see the beauty in everything. Aric he can turn anything into beauty. Phillip is too hurt to care about beauty but they're all shallow in their own way." She said softly.

"Ugh, I need to go back in there and answer Cecelia's interrogation." I groaned.

"Is everything alright?" Asher asked. Henry was in tow probably happy to have finally gotten away from Cecilia.

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