Chapter 14 || 화 14

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Taehyung along with the entire room was confused. Why did Jungkook want to talk to him? But he did understand that the older didn't ask rather commanded. He himself was curious. He glanced at his watch, it read 2:00 pm. He sighed and informed Minjae, "You go and wait outside. Also inform Jin Hyung to pick Tannie up."

Everyone had already left the room, allowing the two to have their "private talk". Both took their previous places. Taehyung was the first one to speak, "Yes Mr. Jeon what is it you wanna talk about?" Jungkook remained silent for a bit. Taehyung was about to repeat himself when Jungkook spoke, "It has come to my knowledge that lately you have been meeting my kids Bami and Saebyeok?" Jungkook questioned.

"Oh! Yes Mr. Jeon. Your kids are adorable. After the fight, Yeontan, my son and Bami became friends. I usually meet them when I pick my son from school. So uhm.... what is it again you wanna ask?" Taehyung asked confused he didn't understand why Jungkook wanted to talk about his kids.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes, made his voice low and interrogated, "I'll be direct. Mr. Kim are you by chance befriending my kids for an ulterior motive?" Taehyung was stunned and muttered, "WHAT!" in disbelief.

"You have unnecessarily been friendly to my kids. Making them food, playing with them and spending so many hours with them. I'm afraid that you are trying to gain their trust for some reasons not entirely innocent." Now Taehyung was fuming red. Just when he thought the other was behaving normal for a change, the other had to shed his skin and show his true colours. Taehyung felt insulted, hurt and ashamed. He could never in a billion years imagine that his loving, pure and completely innocent actions would be treated such and be called 'unnecessary'.

"Mr. Jeon to your disappointment, I've had nor would ever have such intensions. I really enjoy Bami and Sae's company. They are lovely kids who became friends with my sweet child Yeontan. Once or twice my son told me how the two liked the dishes I prepared for him. As a parent I thought of giving bigger portions for the three to share. I never thought that my actions would make you uneasy. And as for playing with them. My child doesn't have much friends at home so I let him play with them after school. Mr. Jeon I don't feel obliged enough to explain my actions to you. But I still did, considering you are also a parent. But I would appreciate that in future you won't accuse me without proper proof." Taehyung kept his entire monologue monotone and uninteresting. He didn't want to look hurt or overly emotional to the other and grant him the satisfaction.

Jungkook who was listening to entire monologue kept his silence for a moment. Yesterday after reaching home he called his Yoongi hyung and talked to him about Taehyung. Jungkook wanted to know about the younger and his nature before the meeting. Since his Yoongi hyung had already worked with Taehyung. He wanted to know his opinions about the other.

Yoongi told him what he knew before. The latter also told him how impressed he was with the younger's skills and professionalism. Jungkook told him about the whole school thing and the situation with his kids. The older assured him that there were no red flags. The photographer was innately a kind person and loved kids.

Yoongi's seal of approval plus the account from Mr. Han when he interrogated the driver for the same, was already enough proof for the younger's innocence regarding the matter. Yet he still continued to accuse the other and was about to do much worse. He silently asked forgiveness from his kids and spoke loudly halting the retreating figure of a dejected Taehyung.

"What if I still don't believe your act of innocence, friendly and caring gestures?"

Taehyung spoke defeated, "Then, don't! I don't need your seal of character approval, Mr. Jeon!"

Jungkook huffed annoyed, "well then don't meet my kids till you prove you're innocent enough to be around my kids." with piercing gaze he spoke harsh words.

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