Chapter Thirty Five || 화 35

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[A week later]

It has been a week since Taehyung met his lawyer. Since then, he has been meeting the other daily. They finalised everything. They made strategies and drafted all the paperwork and documents. All that was left was for Bogum to officially challenge the custody decision. Each day went by with no news from the scumbag. Taehyung thought that maybe it was an empty threat from the other. His hopes were getting high each day. But it all crumbled down when today in his mailbox, Taehyung found the court summon. Even though he was prepared for that moment, the preparations didn't help him enough. When he held the court papers in his hand. He felt like the paper was burning his hands. He clutched the papers in his hands and shed angry, sorrowful tears.

He informed all the others about the court summon. Eric assured him that they were prepared and that he would file the paperwork right away. However, there was one issue. The hearings would have to take place in Daegu. As the decision, of the previous custody, took place there. This further saddened Taehyung. Never had he imagined that he'll have to go back to his hometown. He dreaded thinking about going back there. He was sure he'd have to meet his parents there.

Taehyung shrugged his negative thoughts away. He remembered that today was a special day. Not the time to be gloomy. He instantly smiled with the thoughts of the special day. He quickly made his way to the kitchen and started baking the cake he had planned for today. He made sure to decorate the cake as colourfully as possible since the owner of this cake had requested it that way. With the cake in his hands and Yeontan following behind, Taehyung knocked at Jungkook's door. Mr Han opened the door. Taehyung excitedly asked where everyone was. Mr Han told him that they were all in the kids' room. Taehyung and Yeontan then quickly made their way to the Kids' room.

Yeontan and Taehyung barged into the room. Yeontan popped the streamer he had in his hands, and they both shouted together, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAEBYEOK!" but they lowered their voice when they sensed the gloomy atmosphere of the room. Taehyung saw Sae's eyes to be glossy. Bami was coaxing his sister and Jungkook was glaring at Sae. It felt like he was warning her about something. "Ah! We should come sometime later. I guess this is not the right timing?" Taehyung held Yeontan's arm and with awkward laughter, he started moving out of the room.

Jungkook's loud voice stopped the duo in their tracks, "No, now is a perfect time. Come oh look Tae brought Sae cake and Tannie bought a gift for her." Jungkook chirped to dilute the tense atmosphere. Taehyung then made his way to Sae who was sitting on her bed with her brother. Sensing the still upset kid, Taehyung spoke, "Oh, look the cake is so colourful and what's this over here?" With puppy eyes, Sae peeked into the cake box. Her eyes instantly lit up. With absolute glee in her voice, she shouted, "Unicorn!"

The atmosphere of the room became happy again. The four were enjoying Sae's birthday morning. Jungkook however, was lost in deep thoughts. He was physically there, but mentally he was lost somewhere. Taehyung noticed the older's odd behaviour. Then he chuckled in his mind when he thought, 'when is he normal?' He also noted how Jungkook's eyes were avoiding him. He didn't ask the older anything about it. He figured Jungkook was being weird again. He then shrugged his nosy self and started playing with the kids.



Jungkook had organised a grand party for Sae's birthday at his house. Sae's school friends, Bami and Yeontan's friends, his employees, and friends were all invited. His parents were out of the country, so they won't be coming to the party. Jungkook didn't care about it much. He already has a lot of stuff running in his mind. He was happy that at least his brother would come. That was enough family members for him. He was greeting everyone on the lawn attached to his house which was the main venue of the party. Then his eyes landed on the breathtaking man he has been avoiding since morning.

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