Chapter Sixty Three || 화 63

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Mark and Jackson Wang were now settled in the grand living room. The Bangtan boys were surrounding them and were looking at the two like they were seeing aliens. Mark and Jackson were growing nervous and awkward because of the attention they were getting. The Bangtan boys had one question in their mind, 'why are these two here?' Jungkook sighed and spoke, "that's enough! Stop making them feel uncomfortable! I called them here."

Then the questioning eyes went to Jungkook. Jungkook sighed and replied, "Jackson and Mark were a huge help in whatever happened in the Court today. So I invited them here to celebrate the victory with us." But all he got was the group gasping at the new information. "What? How? When... I don't understand!" They all mumbled at once. The kids were looking at their parents and uncles questionably. Being bored, they went away to their room to play and enjoy.

"Chill! I'll explain everything to you...." Jungkook spoke.

[Flashback: The day on which Yeontan met Bogum. Ref: Chapter 56]

While Jungkook was busy rubbing Taehyung's back he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He looked back and saw a waiter. "Yes? How may I help you." Jungkook asked sternly. The waiter slide in a paper in Jungkook's pocket and went away. Jungkook narrowed his eyes suspiciously and unfolded the piece of paper. The paper had some scribbles written on it, Jungkook read, "if you wish to help your husband win the custody, come to the men's bathroom at once. Make sure to not raise any suspicion while coming here." He frowned and debated for while if he should take the invite for a suspicious and secretive rendezvous. Being curious, he spoke, "Taehyung you be with the kids. I'll be back from the washroom". Taehyung then replied, "Alright, I'll stay with the kids." Jungkook nodded in response and went to the washroom.

When he went into the washroom he found the washroom to be completely empty with just one stall closed. "Hello! Is someone here?" He asked with a hint of awkwardness. Upon hearing Jungkook's voice, the washroom stall opened and the man walked out of it. "Hello Mr Jeon!" The man said.

"Mr Wang?" Jungkook asked with his eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Yes Mr Jeon! I don't have much time so I'll be direct. I have a favour to ask you. In return I'll help you with the custody case." Jackson replied in a hushed tone.

Jungkook intrigued asked, "what favour?"

"Mr Jeon, I'm... well a friend of Mark's, Mr Park's husband. Bogum is still the same as he was five years ago with Mr Kim. He abuses Mark almost daily. It pains me to see his bruised face every morning when I go to Park Mansion. It pains me whenever I hear pleas and screams from the house but no one dares enough to help my friend. Hence, I've come to you as my last resort. If you help Mark get rid of Bogum, I'll cooperate with you in your custody case. I've already placed Jinyoung my friend as Bogum's lawyer so I can get you any new strategies they come up with. What do you say Mr Jeon?"

Jungkook replied instantly, "Why doesn't Mr Mark files for a divorce?"

Jackson sighed and spoke, "After what happened with Mr Kim, Bogum made Mr Mark sign a prenup. According to which, whichever party files for the divorce, all his property and wealth would be given to the other party. Irrespective of the cause. Mark was blinded by love and was manipulated by Bogum to sign it without reading it throughly. Mark doesn't want the company he and his parents made with their blood and sweat to be given to Bogum. Since the situation is so tricky and complicated I came to you. Please Mr Jeon! Please help my friend."

Jungkook sighed while taking in everything Jackson told him. He then spoke, "Alright! I'll help you! I'm giving you my private number, it's untraceable. So make sure to send the prenup to me on that number. I'll look into it and contact you when I come with a plan." Jungkook agreed to help the man because one, anything to get the custody. Two, to take revenge for the pain the man caused on his Tae. And three the devil can be human too sometimes and help someone in need."

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