Chapter Fifty Five || 화 55

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[Next Week, Monday Evening]

The family of five were now driving to Daegu for the custody case. The preparations for the case have been going in full swing as the case's first and hopefully final hearing was on next week's Monday. The family is gonna stay in Daegu for a week. Fortunately, Sr Kim Jeon couple had agreed to look after Passion Inc while Jungkook helps Taehyung in the custody case in Daegu. Jungkook for a change felt that he could dependent a little on his parents. He was happy that they supported him and his family in this fight.

Taehyung and Jungkook were nervous to say the least. When they drove from Bangtan City to Daegu, Taehyung couldn't help but walk down the memory lane. The city's memory left bitter sweet taste in his mouth. He was happy that he was going back to his roots, to his hometown but his happy smile was dimmed by the painful memories the city brought along. While driving past the familiar roads, Taehyung had a nostalgic glee on his face. Jungkook found himself sneaking glances at his husband. He admired his beautiful husband who seemed to be lost in the memories of the city.

Jungkook being his extra self had bought a new cozy house for them located in the city centre. All the malls, cafes and important buildings were near to this cozy house.

When Jungkook parked in a residential neighbourhood, Taehyung frowned

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When Jungkook parked in a residential neighbourhood, Taehyung frowned. "Jungkook I don't see a hotel anywhere near this place?" He asked confused. Jungkook while taking his seat belt off replied, "That's because we are not staying in a hotel. We are staying in this house." Jungkook pointed his index finger to beautiful cozy home in Taehyung's side.

He then got off the car leaving the dumbfounded Taehyung in the car. The kids were sleeping in the backseat, so Jungkook left them there and started moving the suitcases from the car boot into the house. Taehyung when he got out of his shock also came out of the car. He sighed and helped Jungkook with moving luggages into the house. In between the moving, he asked Jungkook, "How much is the rent? I didn't know you could rent houses for just a week." Jungkook stifled a laugh and replied with smugness, "I don't know about that. But this house is not rented rather, I bought it!" Taehyung jaw then met the grassy ground out of shock. "What! Why would you do that! I know you are awfully rich. But, why would buy a house here out of all the places. You literally won't have any business with this city after the custody.Why would you make a bad investment?" Taehyung asked.

"Who said I won't have any business with this city. This city is my husband's hometown. I would want to come and explore this city which crafted my beautiful husband. And the kids, someday they would want to come and see the place where their other parent grew up. I think it's a good investment what do you say?" Jungkook refuted. Taehyung stunned replied, "Oh, I didn't know Jeon Jungkook would be this cheesy. Anyways I do appreciate the thought." He then walked away into the house while giggling a little at the crazy story behind the new house.

After moving all the suitcases, Taehyung stayed with the sleeping kids in the car while Jungkook picked up Yeontan and took him into the house. Jungkook then came back and picked Bami up while Taehyung picked Sae up. They placed the kids in the room adjacent to theirs and then retired to their own room. They were dead tired from the long five hour trip.

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