Chapter Fifty Nine || 화 59

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Recap ...

Taehyung rubbed his chin with his free hand and spoke, "Ah! It's just my mom! It's actually my fault to expect the impossible. I knew that woman was incapable of showing love and care yet I choose to ignore it and started believing the act." Taehyung took a long breath and with teary eyes he asked, "tell me Jungkook, is fighting for my own son, who I birthed and raised all by myself a selfish act? That woman never gave two shits about her own son. Never cared enough to know how his son was barely making through life these past few years or even before that. Yet she had the audacity to call me selfish!"


Taehyung pulled the car over to a side and faced Jungkook. "After you left with my dad. Me and the kids played fun games in the garden. Then she called us to have some refreshments. When we all finished the drinks the kids went back to playing while my mom made me sit on a bench with her. She said she wanted to talk to me. I was foolish to think that maybe now she'll ask about Yeontan and me and how I spend all these years. But I was so wrong. She told me that she knows that I'm here for the custody case. She then suggested and I quote, to give up Yeontan's custody. When I strongly refuted. She told me that I'm being selfish by separating a father from his own son. That...Yeontan deserves to be the heir of Park industries."

Taehyung took another deep breath, he looked into the twinkling eyes of the other and asked, "tell me Jungkook. Am I really being selfish?"

Jungkook softly held other's cheeks and spoke. "Tae~ No you are not! Yeontan deserves his Papa more than a company. He deserves a happy childhood which only you can provide him and not Bogum. And what if she calls you selfish? If a parent won't be selfish for their own child then who will they be selfish for? And you are listening to that woman? The woman who didn't think twice before pushing you into evil's hand?"

Taehyung nodded and spoke, "Yes, you are right! I shouldn't listen to that woman. It's just... I thought that I have passed the stage where things like these would have stopped to affect me. But, I guess it still does. I'm sure that Bogum must have told my parents to make me back off the custody case. Real pathetic my parents are. Like the royal hyenas they are, they went through with his demands. Will they ever stop and think about me?"

Jungkook then spoke, "Tae relax! Don't stress yourself because of them. Let them be. It's not like your are backing down just because they said so. Remember only that Yeontan would be happy with you. And no matter what happens, don't you ever stop fighting for him. You get what I'm saying! Taehyung! Never lose hope alright!"

Taehyung nodded and started the car again. The kids had fallen asleep in the car backseat as soon as they started the journey back home. After another 30 mins, the family reached their Daegu home. Taehyung would now call this house his home. When they placed the sleeping kids on the beds and went downstairs again, they were bombarded with several questions. Taehyung explained his part of the story. Jimin sighed and said it what he expected. Jin and the rest just gave their sympathetic look to Taehyung. While in all this Jungkook remained quiet. Taehyung frowned and thought " Why is Jungkook so quiet? What did he and my dad talk about?" But not wanting to pry too much into the situation, Taehyung dropped it and focus on the his friends and kids.


Next morning went in a blur. The family along with their friends made it to the court in time. Outside the courtroom, Eric briefed the Jeon couple once again. Just as he finished explaining, they all heard the voice neither of them wanted to hear, "Good to see you again, Taehyung!" Bogum approached the man facing his back to him. Taehyung then turned to face the dreadful person. Even though Taehyung wore a simple formal suit, he looked stunning as ever. The navy blue well-fitted jacket brought a nice shape to his naturally curved body. Bogum couldn't help but leer over his body with a dirty smirk. Jungkook was quick to notice the dirty looks being thrown at his husband. In retaliation, he wrapped an arm around the other's waist and glared Bogum down, "If you have greeted well then move on! Stop ogling at someone's husband!" Jungkook growled at Bogum. Taehyung flushed red due to other's directness and nudged the older in surprise, "Kook!" And warned him a bit as others could hear him and were looking in their direction.

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