Hold Me

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Fletch headed back to Jac's room as soon as he'd freshened up. He smiled wryly to himself- everyone who he bumped into throughout the hospital spoke to him as if he was Jac's significant other. Even Sacha.
Elliot Hope had arrived following Fletch's call. He'd warned Jac in his letter that he was going to ignore her and look for a miracle, he could only hope he'd found it. He wondered what she'd thought about the letter but that was unimportant compared to fighting to save her life. He had argued with everyone today, fighting her corner.
"Hi" he said softly as he entered
"Hi. You couldn't help yourself could you? Pulling Elliot into all this. Don't you think he would be my first choice? But I don't want it to be him that kills me" she paused and said quietly "thank you. You've fought enough for both of us and I feel strangely calm now that Elliot has agreed to do the operation"
Fletch heaved a sigh of relief- " I was expecting much worse than that!"
"Oh give me time I'll work on some insults or at least heavy sarcasm. I take it you're staying for a while" she gestured to him settling down in the chair
"Yeah I'm like a bad smell- not easy to get rid of and gets right up your nose"
She snorted laughter. "It's comforting having you here"
"Steady on Jac that's almost nice"
"Oh shut up you"
They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes. The elephant of the letter looming large in the room
"So did you read it?" Fletch asked finally
"I did yes"
She reached over to the locker and pulled it out
and showed him the tear stains
"Oh Jac I didn't mean to upset you I just had to get down the stuff that was in my head"
"I loved it"
She left it at that. Loved it not him he mused. He'd opened his heart and didn't regret it.
"Can you get me paper and a pen please. I want to jot a few thoughts down too"
"Ok. No problem"
She stared at the door as it closed. "I will have to tell how I feel. Just not sure how" she said to the empty room.
A sudden tiredness swept over her and when Fletch returned, she was nearly asleep
"You look shattered Jac. Get your head down for a couple of hours. I'll be here when you wake up" he smiled
"Hold me Fletch" she whispered nearly drifting off
He moved quickly to her side and managed to shuffle half behind her so she could lean back onto him and he in turn could have his arms round her.
She was almost immediately breathing steadily as she fell asleep.
Life's a bitch Fletch thought. Holding Jac Naylor in my arms but because she's dying. He realised that she was actually scared. He gently squeezed her at the thought of that
"I'm here sweetheart, I'm here" he whispered kissing the top of her head

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