This is it

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Fletch sat on the bench outside where they used to first annoy one another and then learn to tolerate each other. Eventually enjoying each other's company when their lunchtimes coincided
He sipped his coffee and stretched. Sleeping in that hospital chair was crippling but he would not want to be anywhere else.
He looked at the 3 folded pieces of paper in his hand. Ok I can deliver Sacha's that's no problem he thought, it's the other two I am not sure of. Best to read the letter to him first
My dearest Fletch well fuck. That brought tears to his eyes before it started
He forced himself to carry on
I know you'll never abandon me Fletch and you need to know I love you too
She loves me? Oh god. He read on
I want to take the chance on you- us if you'll have me.
He laughed out loud - "if I'll have her?" is the sky blue?
I'm so sorry it had to wait until I was on my deathbed for me to tell you how I feel
Angry tears stung his eyes. This was so bloody unfair. What if she is on her death bed. We could've had it all.
Then he reflected on her words- it took having a brain tumour for her to break down her barriers so if she wasn't on her death bed then would she have ever realised or admitted her feelings. Fletch's mind was in an absolute whirl.
By the time her got back to her room they'd already done most of the pre op checks and Elliot was in doing the consent form
"Oh hello Fletch, good to see you" Elliot said. Then turning back to Jac, he asked "who shall I put down as next of kin ?"
Jac glanced at Fletch
"Can I put you ?"
"Of course sweetheart" he said without a second thought
Elliot's eyebrows shot up but he made no comment
"We'll be taking you down in half an hour Jac. Any second thoughts, any questions?"
"No it's my only chance"
"Ok then um I'll leave you two to... yes well see you soon" he bumbled and left the room
Jac held her hand out to Fletch and he went over and sat on the bed
"So did you read it?" She asked tentatively
He nodded and enveloped her in a hug. Both holding onto each other tight for what seemed like forever
"You'd better get through this Naylor cos I have plans for us" he whispered against her neck
"I'll do my best"
He leant back a little so he could look at her face, into her eyes
"That's all that I ask" and then he kissed her. She returned his kiss eagerly. No pushing him away this time. Leaving herself vulnerable and open to all the possibilities that life with this man could offer her.
They stayed like this hugging and kissing until the porters came to take her down to theatre. He walked along the corridor holding her hand
"This is it then" he said squeezing her hand
She nodded " I love you Fletch'
"I love you too"
With that she disappeared into the operating room
Fletch busied himself with rotas and such like. It had all fallen back in his lap since Madge's departure. Apparently Jac had got her job back so he wouldn't have to fill in much longer
The hours ticked by slowly and he stopped himself numerous times from going down to observe. Eventually he went along to Sacha's office- they had called a truce. Their opinions differed about Jac's operation but both loved that woman and only wanted to be there for her. Fletch gave Sacha his letter. He put it to one side to read it later.
They reminisced to pass the hours- it was late when Elliot knocked on the door
He entered and they looked at him expectantly
Sacha and Fletch held their breath
"She's gone. I'm so sorry"

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