13: Dream

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Test Tube woke up in a cold sweat, she couldn't remember anything from her dream. Then she remembered, she was supposed to check on Lightbulb hours ago. She quickly and carefully got up as to not make any noise, she left her room and headed to Lightbulb's room. She could hear talking coming from the room.

She pressed herself against the door to try and listen, she could hear the conversation.

"So I gave everyone nicknames?"

"Yep! You were always so creative."

"What else did I do? I'd love to learn!"

Test Tube's facial expression frowned, she tried to open the door but it was locked. The talking immediately stopped. Was it all in her head? She took a deep breath, she must have been imagining it. She left back to her room and opened the door.

She closed the door behind her and slowly climbed onto her bed. She sat down and looked at Fan, who was fast asleep next to her. She smiled to herself and laid down next to him, quickly falling asleep.


Paintbrush woke up early, again. They hated waking up early, it was always dark early in the morning. They checked the time, 3:47 A.M.

They got up, they couldn't control their body at all. They grabbed a pillow and left the room, heading towards Test Tube's room. If they wanted to talk to Lightbulb, they had to get her out of the way. They opened the door to Test Tube's room and walked inside. Their face was expressionless as they held the pillow tightly, walking up to Test Tube's body.

They shoved the pillow into her face, at this point Test Tube had awoken, and was trying to escape, but it was too late. Paintbrush was stronger than her, she was gone.

They took away the pillow and made it seem like she was peacefully sleeping. Then they left back to their room. Once they got back on their bed, they began to sob. How could they do that?? To their friend too. They were terrible. Evil. They could take the limbs in the morning, when everyone finds out. They laid down and cried themself to sleep, it would help.


Fan had woken up, he looked over to his side to see Test Tube still peacefully asleep. He didn't want to wake her, so he got up, grabbed his phone, and headed to the livingroom. "Good morning, Fan! Breakfast is ready on the counter." OJ told Fan. "Thanks OJ!" he smiled, then grabbed a plate and some food.

He watched a few videos on his phone as he ate, scrolling through his blog to see any new comments. After a few minutes he finished and put his plate on the sink. It was around 9:30 am now, everyone except for Test Tube was awake. Fan became a bit worried, so he went back to her room to check on her.

"Testy?" He asked, walking to where she was sleeping. "Hey.. Its 9:30. You should come eat breakfast before it gets cold!" He told her. She didn't move or respond at all. Even a groan of annoyance from her would satisfy him. He gently grabbed her shoulders and shook her, which didn't do anything. At this point Fan was close to freaking out. He took a deep breath and tried to listen for breathing or a heartbeat.


Fan began to shake, he couldn't jump to conclusions, however. So he went to go find OJ. "OJ??" Fan called. "Yeah? Do you need something, Fan?" OJ asked. Tears stung Fans eyes, "Yeah.. Test Tube won't wake up, I don't want to believe it but could you see whats wron" Fan asked. OJ's expression quickly changed from happy to worried and sad. "Alright, I'll go check on her." He said, then he went to Test Tube's room with Fan following him close behind.


Paintbrush walked to Lightbulb's room, opening the door and walking inside. "Hey Lightbulb!" They smiled. "Hi Paintbrush!" She waved. Paintbrush sat down on the edge of her bed, "I haven't seen Test Tube in a while, she said that she would come and check up on me but she never did." Lightbulb said sadly, "Hm, she must have slept in. I haven't seen her leave her room in a while." Paintbrush said. "I hope shes okay." Lightbulb said, "My head's feeling a lot better! But she told me not to move from my room until she comes back." She added. "Hm, you must be hungry.." Paintbrush muttered. "Not really, I'm perfectly fine!" She smiled. "Alright then." Paintbrush said.

Then the door swung open.



lmao cliffhanger
guess who that person is


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