
499 11 13

(Everyone being in the UK has been interesting to watch)

Hello everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a month. My mental health lately has been steadily declining. I basically have no motivation to do anything that I've enjoyed in the past as well as feeling consistently anxious. Even watching the streamers that I've enjoyed for over a year has felt like a task. I'm currently looking into therapy and just talking to my school counselors. 

I promise that once I have the motivation again, I will try to be up at 'em as soon as possible. I really do enjoy this story and where I want it to go, but right about now I don't feel like I can get myself to be creative. I mean, I've literally not checked Wattpad notifications since I posted my last chapter. (I had 130 when I came back, that's a lot!)

However, I want to thank you all for the support! I've reached over 33k views and that is nowhere near what I thought was going to happen. I really appreciate you all and your funny comments that I always read, even if I don't interact with them.

I hope you all are doing well! Make sure to drink water, have a snack, take a break, etc!

Sincerely, Tom <3

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