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After about a minute he pulled away and looked at me and smiled.
"What?"I asked.
"You're beautiful," he replied.
I cuddled up to him and then I heard a beep from my phone. I looked down it was my dad.
"I-I have to go my dad is pissed," I said grabbing my things.
"Ok I'll text you later."
I walked out of the apartment and got in my car. after about 45 minutes of driving I pulled up at our apartment. My dad was standing angrily at the door.
"Where the hell where you?" He asked furiously.
I walked past him and ran up to my room leaving the keys on the kitchen table.
"Don't you walk away from me!" He yelled stomping up the stairs.
"It's a long story dad I don't want to talk about."
"Fine!" He said walking away.
The weekend passed so fast and now it was Monday my first day of school. Every time that I think about school it makes me sick what the hell are people going to think.
"Emily time for school!" My dad yelled from the end of the hall breaking my thought. I ran down to the car and hopped in. After a couple minutes I saw my new school. My dad drove me up to the door and drove away. This was where my new life was going to start...

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