🌟1. The rest of my pathetic life🌟

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You ever wished that you were someone else? You ever wished that you could trade places with anyone on this earth for a day? Yea...I know the feeling. Waking up every single day just to repeat an endless cycle of pain, fear, heart ache, and loneliness. Sometimes I wish I had the balls to communicate more with people, I wish I could trade places with my sister.

Caroline is the beautiful popular girl at our school. She gets all the guys attention and if she's want a guy, you better believe that she'll get him. My sister is confident, she's sweet and pure, well....that's was before she became a vampire.

You see, my sister was recently killed by Elena's evil
Doppelgänger Katherine. I wish that she would've killed me instead, I would at least feel like someone, anyone. My sister doesn't really remember that I exist sometimes and I'm totally fine with that, I'm not much of a talker anyways.

I never speak my mind, or tell people to fuck off when I don't wanna be bothered. Sometimes I can be very slick at the mouth, but sometimes I would rather be left alone. My life as of now is like an endless cycle of chaos. With Katherine being in town, everything is kinda going crazy.

I sorta try to leave the supernatural business to the supernatural beings, but since I am the little sister of a vampire and the best friend of witch and two other  vampires, it's kinda hard to stay out of the loop.

My best friend is Bonnie Bennett. I grew up with the witch and she's honestly one of the reason why I'm deciding to continue on with my breathing. Bonnie hates the way Elena and Caroline treats me, but at the same time she's doesn't like to choose sides since we all grew up together. Then we have my to noble companions, Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Now, the Salvatore brothers are a pain in the ass but, you'll never find anyone who cares the way that they do.

When I first met Stefan and Damon I was only fifteen. They look after me as if they're my brothers and I really appreciate their love and support. It's the most I'll ever get from any guy. I'm not bad looking, but at the same time I'm not going to drop my panties for some guys who only wants me for a point on their tally chart.

I'm one of those girls that's really pretty and hate the fact that I'm really pretty. Most people hate girls like us because they think that we're being selfish or we don't understand the pain that other girls feel, wishing that they were us. If you ask me I think every single female in the world is absolutely beautiful. It doesn't matter what you look like, what you smell like, what size you are, or what's the color of your skin. You're beautiful and don't be like me and hate yourself, your body, or your personality. You're unique in your own way and someone will recognize it.....

....Not for me though. Guys ask me out but....I would rather date a frog and hope that one day it turns into a prince. The only people in our friend group that has ever asked me out, is Tyler Lockwood and Jeremy Gilbert. Don't get me wrong, Jeremy is a really nice guy and he's so sweet, but I don't think he's quite over Vicki and his drug problem. Then there's Tyler, he's a nice decent guy....but I don't think that I can date someone with anger issues.

"CASSIDY!!!" I hear my mom shout as I finish up with curling my hair. My mom is never home. Sometimes I can't talk to her about my problems because she's never here to hear them. I love my mom and I know that she love me, but sometimes I would rather be smothered with love up close and not from afar. "CASSIE!!"

"COMING MOM!!" I finish my last curl of my golden blonde hair and I apply on a little bit of lip gloss. I look awful, I don't even know why I try.

"CASS!!" I groan as I grab my phone and rush out of my room and make my way down the hall. My mom was taking some boxes out once I make it towards the front. "There you are, what took you so long?"

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚂𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 {𝙽.𝙺 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗}Where stories live. Discover now