🌟21. All I can think about is you🌟

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Jules, Elena, and Jenna are still contained in the rings of fire. Jules continues to moan in pain while I'm struggling to free myself from this chair. I don't understand how I could be apart of this sacrifice, no one has even mentioned me being apart of it. Maybe it's just another lie, that way he can keep me close and in his eye sight.

Up on a nearby hill, Klaus is talking to the witch Greta while I continue to hear Jules moaning in pain as she looks up at Elena and I from the ground. "Everything I did...I was just trying to help Tyler."

"Are you Jules?" Elena ask with a mumble and I nod.

"I didn't want him to be alone!" Now that she puts it that way it's kind of sweet if her. It's nice that people who Tyler doesn't even know is coming to help him.

I watch as Greta drops something into a stone bowl filled with flames. Sparks fly as she closes her eyes and begins chanting a spell. Klaus approaches the rings of fire and looks down at Jules. "Shall we?"

"You're such a charm." I mumble as I roll my eyes and he smirks at me. God his smirk is so hot...why does he do me this way. Why do I suddenly feel so emotional attached.

"I'm sorry for what you're about to witness." I look at him confused as the ring of fire around Jules disperses. Jules' eyes turn yellow and she uses her werewolf speed to rush at Klaus. Alas, Klaus gets the upper hand and pins Jules to the ground, plunging his hand into her chest and ripping out her heart.

I gasp with shock as Jules takes a final breath, tears streaming down her face, and dies. Klaus breathes heavily as he holds her bloody heart in his hands. Elena and Jenna look on, horrified and I cry as I look away...trying not to vomit. Is this the type of man that I'm suppose to love!!?

Greta continues chanting a spell as Klaus vamp speeds up the hill and holds Jules' heart over the ceremonial bowl, squeezing the blood into the flames. "Does that mean it's working?"

Suddenly I let out a loud scream as I squirm around in my chair. There's something that feels like it's painfully pushing a hot rod into my back. I have no idea what's going on, but I want it to stop!

Greta looks over at me and smirks. "It's working." I finally calm down and take deep breaths as I break out into sweats. My body feels weak and I'm gone limp just sitting here.

"Cassidy are you okay?" Jenna ask concerned and I shake my head no. "What's wrong?"

"Look, on her back." Elena mumbles out and I wish that I could see what she sees. "It looks like a circle."

I wonder what that could mean.

Elena watches Klaus and Greta in the distance. Jenna looks up at her, eyes glistening with tears. "The day that the lawyers called to tell me that I was going to become your guardian, you know what my first thought was?" Elena looks down at her and shakes her head. "Isn't there someone else who can do this?"

"Jenna, there was no one else who could have gotten me and Jeremy through all of that."

"It's just the thought that I almost passed up taking care of you." Jenna sobs out and I can't help bet to shed tears. Jenna is the best thing that could've happened to any of us, and I'm proud to call her my family...even though she isn't really my family.

"But you didn't." Lena says as she kneels down. "You put your entire life on hold to help us."

"Look around, Elena. I failed you."

"No. You didn't. I failed you. I'm so sorry. Listen. Being a vampire, it intensifies your guilt. But it also makes you stronger and faster. You can fight back. I'm gonna get through this. I'll be okay. I need you to believe that. Promise me, when you get the chance..." Elena places a finger to her lips and whispers the next word. "Run."

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