🌟24. I just wanna know why me🌟

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I been driving a bit and I'm getting hungry and tried, I'm literally going to try my best to kill Klaus for putting us through this., all for his special needs. I mean you have to be really sick in the head to be 1'000 years old and your favorite hobby is killing people for your amusement.

I pull up to my 10th bar and groan as I park and get's  out the car. When I walk inside I gasp when I see a man is chained to the wall, and has darts in his body. He's in a lot of pain as Stefan sits at the table across the wall and is stirring a glass of something with a dart end. He takes it out and throws it at him and then man groans as the dart hits him. "Stefan." I mumble shocked and he stops and looks at me. I can tell that he didn't want me to see him like that.

"Cassidy, what are you doing here?" He asked looking behind me and I walk closer to him.

"It's okay, I wasn't followed." I look around and doesn't see Klaus. "Where is he?"

"He went to take a phone call, Cassidy you know how obsessed he is with you." He set the cup down and walks over and hugs me and I smile as I hug him back. "It's not safe."

I roll my eyes and hold his hands as we stop the hug. "You think I care, I'm here aren't I? Stefan you would move hell and back for me so I'm doing the same for you. Everyone is worried sick about you." He smiles and kisses my forehead and it felt nice.

I've missed Stefan like crazy, even though he's hot I would never do that to Elena. Even though she would do it to him. "I really appreciate that, but seriously before he comes back, get out of here. He has me doing things you shouldn't see me be doing."

"I've spent my summer getting tortured but my sister, ignored by Damon and my mom, also ignored by Elena and been missing Bon Bon like crazy. I'm not leaving you even if I have to fight Klaus for you freedoms." It goes quiet and I notice how Stefan is looking behind me...shit. I really hope that it's not Klaus and that he didn't just hear me say that I've been getting ignored by a suppose to be dead Elena.

"Hello love." I hear a voice behind me and my body shivers. Hearing that accent, feeling his breath on my neck..why am I feeling like this. "Turn around, I want to see your face."

"You can go to hell, I'm here for Stefan and I'm not leaving without him."

Suddenly with inhuman speed my back is against a wall and I'm now face to face with the hybrid. His eyes...his hair...the way he smirks with those lips. "I admire your courage little one."

"Well, It's about time that I show it." I knee him in the stomach and he groans as he haves a seat nearby. I can't believe I just did that, cool! "Look Klaus, you have taken away everything from me!! You killed Jenna, you killed Elena, and Katherine turned my sister and almost let Tyler kill me to activate his wolf side! My life has always been screwed and now you took Stefan and you're making him tear off people heads with his teeth!! I have this stupid mate mark on my shoulder and no matter how much I wanna kiss you right now I hate you for ruining my life!!!"

The bar goes quiet and he the look on his face doesn't show any type of expression. I mean he deserved to know how I feel, and even though Elena is still alive he doesn't have to know that. He also didn't have to know how badly I wanted to kiss him, but damn I swear that this mark is making me wanna rip off his clothes. Wait, if I sleep with him does that mean the bond will become stronger..? Shit.

He clears his throat and sits up in his seat as he place his hands together. "When the time is right, we will finish this conversation, but for now Stefan and I have business to attend to." I scoff as he looks at Stefan. "Continue." He then looks back at me. "Also, you're free to leave when you want, but if you're going to stick around I hope you're prepared to see blood shed and a whole lot of torture." He smirks and nods his head back towards Stefan.

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