🌟26. I just wanna bring her home🌟

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By time I get home it's daylight and so many thoughts are running through my brain. I have no idea what's going on with my sister and I don't even wanna think the worse. I love Care and I would move mountains for her. With this new Cassie, I will kill whoever gets into my path when it comes down to my family.

As I drive I get a call from my mom and I answer as I drive down our street almost to the house. "Mom! Is everything okay?"

"Cassidy! I'm just coming up for air after a few all-nighters at the station. I thought me, you, and your sister would love to have lunch and you and her could remind me I promised not to work so hard."

"Mom...something bad has happened to Care." I pull up in the drive way the same time as Tyler knocks on the door.

"What's going on?" She asked nervously and scared as I get out the car and walks in with Tyler, hanging up my phone. "Where's Caroline?! What happened to my daughter?!"

I hold my mom hands and brings her to the living room to have a seat. My mom now knows about Caroline being a vampire, Matt and her figured it out I guess. All of that can get explained later, or never but right now I need to find my sister. "Tylers mom called and said something happened."

"Like what?" My mother asked as we both looked at Tyler.

He takes a deep breath. "My mom found out that Caroline was a vampire." Me and my mother share a look. "That's not all." We look back at him ready for more. "Well, she called your dad Cass."

I sigh and bury my face into my hands. Calling my dad was a stupid move, he hates vampires and would kill them on sight if he could. "Okay where did he take her?"

"That's the point, we have no idea. Bill wouldn't tell my mom anything after she called and tried to stop him." Tyler says and I get lost in my head.

I don't even know of any place that dad could take my sister. My dad left my mom for a man, so let's just say the scars ran deep. All I know is that my dad loved us, and me and Caroline even treated each other like sisters, but after he left to be with Steven she started treating me as if I was the problem.

"Okay, well I'm gunna go to the basement and look through all of his stuff. I'm sure that maybe there's something in there that's gunna give us a location." I look at Tyler. "Go home and try to see if your mom knows of any place." I look at my mom. "Everything is going to be okay, dad might hate vampires but he would never ever kill Caroline."

Tyler nods and leaves and my mom sighs and places her head in her hands as I go to the basement and start digging. I don't even know where to look, I'm surprised that my dad even kept all of this stuff here he lives in freakin Georgia.

As I sort through all these documents I get a phone call and answer it without checking the caller ID. "This better be Burger King because I am in a mood."

"Well, I think I'm a bit more up class like a place that serve steak, love." I stop and smile when I hear that it's Nik. "How's it going?"

I sigh. "It's going, my mom is freaking out and I'm trying my best not to freak out and...I just don't even know where I could find her."

"Have your dad been in town recently?" He asked as I start looking for more locations.

"No, I haven't seen my dad since he left my mom. I don't even know what he's doing to her right now and it's scaring me."

"Do you need me to come over? Maybe there's something I can do to help love?" I smile at the thought of him helping me as I find a safe box with a lock on it.

I get up from my seat and grabs a nearby hammer. "That's sweet Mr Hybrid, but my dad is a big time vampire hater. He just found out that his first born daughter is a vampire, if he finds out that his second born is the mate of someone that no one has never heard of before...he'll probably die."

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