🌟3. I hate how you make me feel🌟

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I toss and turn in bed as I get these images in my head. A black werewolf with golden eyes, it's like he's trying to reach out to me. "Cassidy." I hear my name get mumbled as I toss over in the bed. Suddenly my dreams starts to feel like reality.

𖣘Cassie's dream𖣘

I'm sitting in a bar as jazz music plays throughout the city. I swing my feet as I drink my bourbon and enjoy the sounds of laughter and chatters. "Cassidy?" I hear a strong British accent say from behind me. I turn to face the sound and it was a handsome man, he was taller than me around 5'11 maybe, sexy blue eyes, darker than mines though. He had curly dirty blond hair with these perfect pink lips that were totally kissable.

"Um, yes?" I asked getting confused on what he wants.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, love." He looks at the empty sits. "Is that seat taking?" I shake my head no and he smiles as he take the seat for him self. "You're gorgeous."

"What is happening? Who are you and what do you want from me?" He chuckles and the sound of it makes my heart flutter, he's really attractive but, I don't understand how I even got here.

"So many questions." He grabs a bottle and pours himself a drink. "Don't worry sweetheart, they'll get answered soon enough."

I stay quiet and sip on my drink before speaking again. "Can I at least get your name?"

"Kl..." He stops and thinks for a moment before looking back at me. "Call me Nik."

"Well Nik, you know me and yet I don't know you. Can you at least shed some kind of light on this situation." He downs his shot before pouring his self another drink. He then look at me deep in my eyes, for whatever reason I feel drawn to him. I feel like a completely different person.

"Have you ever heard the story of the werewolf who had to wait years and years to find his mate?" I shake my head no and he smirks. I inhale sharply at the sight of that, this man has some type hold over me and I think that I like. "Well..." Before he could finish a loud knock echos throughout the bar.

"What the hell is that?" I think out loud as I look around the room.

"Sounds like someone's at the door." I look at the door confused on why someone would knock on a door to a public place. Nik chuckles and I look at him. "Not that door, love. Maybe you should wake up and answer it."

"Wake up?"

"Yes, Cassidy." He leans forward and whispers in my ear, causing shivers to rubs down my body. "Wake up."

𖣘End of Dream𖣘

I wake up and sit up quickly as I look around the room. I have no idea what the was or who that man was but, I want to see him again, I just have to, I really don't know why. He was handsome and he was sweet to me, making me wish that he was real and not some segment of my imagination.

I hear the knocking that I heard in my dream and I quickly get out of the bed to go and get ready for my day. I stayed over at the Salvatore house and this place is always exciting, like when Elena met Katherine for the first time. That was a pretty epic moment, for some reason I didn't really feel scared, or intimidated by her.

I hear the knock again and I quickly fix my dress and my shoes before sliding on my Jean jacket and rushing down the stairs. "Hello!!! Is anyone home!?" I shout through the house and no one responds. I shrug my
shoulders and open the door, when I open it my smile grow. "Hi Jermey."

"Oh, um...Hi Cass, I didn't know you were here." He says shyly as he rub the back of his neck. Remember when I said that I wouldn't date Jermey because of his use to be drug addict problem with his use to be ex, dead girlfriend....well, he's starting to clean up and I actually like that about him.

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