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Merry Christmas again ^^ hope y'all are good! I'm gonna take a little break now, but hopefully be back soon with new updates :)
Be good!

Lea, will you please eat your breakfast.

The little girl nodded and shoved a spoonful into her mouth, but didn't take her eyes off the TV. Her eyes were glued to the screen as a new episode of Caillou came on.

Why does Calliou have a sister? I want a sister too!

Oh dear.

Why don't I have a sister?

She leaned over to Lea and lovingly wiped her mouth.

Because your daddy and I don't have that much time for another baby at the moment.

But why? I can play with my sister!

That's a lovely thought, Lee, but a baby needs a lot of time. Babies can't do much yet, they have to learn everything and that takes a lot of time. You're already big, you can do know pall these things.

Lea's gaze was fixed on her. The girl hung on every word she said.

Then can I ask Santa if he can bring a sister? She'll be as big as me and won't have to learn anything.

I'm afraid that won't work, little mouse.

The little girl ate another spoonful of her cornflakes, this time with a slightly more disappointed look on her face.

You can go on a playdate with your friend this afternoon and play with her. 

But I want a sister! You have a sister too and so does Daddy, that's unfair! 

I'm sure you'll have a sibling one day. 


Yes, definitely. 

Bradley came into the living room and saw his two girls sitting on the sofa. Gently, he hugged Stefani from behind as she was making herself a toast. When she turned around, he took the opportunity to give her a sweet kiss on the lips and gave her butt a quick squeeze with one hand, raising his eyebrows and smiling. Her hand stroked his chest and she returned the same cheeky smile he gave her.

Good morning, Stef.


He gave her another kiss, pushing her a little more against the kitchen worktop.

Our daughter has a pretty interesting wish for Christmas this year.

Yeah? But I don't think a unicorn like last year will beat it.

After one last kiss, he went to the sofa where the little girl was sitting comfortably with a blanket.

Good morning Lea!

He gave her a kiss on the forehead and tousled her hair, as he went to sit next to her.

Did you sleep well?


It was quiet for a moment when Stefani went back into the open kitchen and prepared a bowl of cereal for Bradley. She knew for a fact that it was his favorite cereal and that he would want a bowl too. 

Youuu, Daddy?

What's wrong?

After he had put on his socks, he took the bowl from Stefani's hand and started eating hungrily.

Thank you, love!

You're very welcome!

Stefani leaned down to him and planted another kiss on his lips.

I want a sister! 

Just as this sentence left his daughter's mouth, he had put in a spoon of cereal in his mouth and spat it out again, starting to cough. 


His voice was a little hoarse, but she had understood him.

Stefi has a sister, so do you. I want one too!

He looked at Stefani, a little puzzled, who was shrugging her shoulders, then looked back at Lea.

Told you.

Honey, it takes a long time to have a sister. Above all, it's a lot of work.

Of course, he had also thought about having a baby with Stefani before, but not in the near future like Lea wanted. Although it would most likely not take long to make such a baby in their relationship, taking care of it would be a completely different problem.

Why is it taking so long? How long do I have to wait? I can help you, I'm good in helping!

We know you love to help.

Stefani looked at Bradley.

Look, a baby needs 9 months to get here and then it still has a lot to learn.

Lea tried to count with her fingers how long 9 months would take. She proudly showed 7 fingers, which made Bradley shake his head with a laugh. He took two more of her little fingers and lined them up.

That's 9.

Her eyes were wide when she saw so many fingers on top of her two hands.

That long? Well but I can wait so long.

Stefani sat down next to her and took a bite of her toast. Lea had dripped a little milk on her T-shirt, which she only looked at with a small smile.

We know you're great at waiting, but we can't get you a sister or brother right now.

I don't want a brother either, I just want a sister! Someone I can play princess with!

Bradley's eyes wandered from the flickering TV screen to Stefani and gave her a knowing, somewhat mischievous look.

If you get your princesses for a moment, we can play together.

Yeahy, I'll be right back!

Excited, the little girl ran into her room to get her dolls.

What are we going to do now?

What do you think?

I mean her wish. What do we do?

Tell her that it's not really working right now? Or just skillfully ignore it. Well or we- are working on fulfilling the wish.

Would you?

Be happy to see a little Stef running around here? Definitely.

Or a little mini Bradley?

That too, even if Lea wouldn't be so happy about it.

She slid closer to him and took the hand he held out to her.

Healthy and you happy, that's all I want and need!

With his hand on her cheek, he pulled her closer and kissed her. She sighed contentedly against his lips as her hand clung to his shirt.

Where's my doll? Sherly's gone!

Sherly's not gone Mouse, she's in her bed.

Stefani turned to Bradley and tried to hold back her laugh.

If we manage to make her a sister, then please don't let Lea choose the name.

Oh no, god no! I don't want our baby to be called cookie or unicorn.


Moooom, daaaad, Sherly also wants a sister! She just told me!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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