Rainy day

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Rain pelted against the window, leaving large and small drops on the glass. The wind whirled leaves and twigs through the air. It was just a rainy day. A relaxing smell spread all over the house. It smelled like home, indescribably good. The fire in the fireplace cracked and illuminated the room. The house was silent, you could only hear a low humming. A beautiful voice humming the melody of Shallow.

In a thick, cuddly blanket they lay together on the sofa. Both had their eyes closed and cuddled. Their bodies were close together and just held each other. Her voice penetrated his ears and enchanted him. Every day he was more and more fascinated by her and only fell more in love with the beautiful girl in front of him. They already had to go, through so many ups and downs, to finally have their peace. Together they were finally what they had always wanted to be. Both had reached their goals in life and finally found what they had always longed for. Their life felt complete and fulfilled.

Her hand moved and entangled his fingers with hers. Even though their eyes were closed and they said nothing, they still talked to each other. For many it is hard to talk without words, but the language of love is not hard to speak. When you have found the right person, you don't have to say anything to say something. The right person knows every fiber, every cell of your body by heart and knows how you feel, what you think and what is going on. The person is your soulmate and senses your thoughts and feelings. For lovers this language is not difficult, it is even sometimes easier than words.

His other hand drew tiny circles over her skin. A soft sigh escaped her as she felt his gentle touch. Despite the silence, a wave of happiness and excitement overcame her again. The joy was hard to hold back, so a smile on her lips was inevitable. He too could feel it, the different emotions of happiness and joy. His lips also formed a smile as he pressed his forehead against hers.

Have I told you today how much I love you?


Her eyes fluttered and at that moment green met blue. For the hundredth time their eyes crossed and sparks were created between them.

You have told me many times today.

Then I will tell you again, because every second it increases into the essential.

That is so cheesy, but also so cute! I love you too, we love you!

Slowly he slid a little bit forward so that he was closer to her lips. She closed the gap between them and connected her lips. A gentle kiss with lots of love and passion. When they separated after some time, they had already closed their eyes again.

The love of my life, that is you.

And you are the love of MY life!

She pressed herself harder against his body and inhaled his smell. He smelled so indescribably good, like home. She was happy and content when she lay in front of the fireplace with his shirt, in his arms. The sweet gesture that he had given her his shirt still made her melt.

You know what?


I am happy. I've never been happier than I am right now. Everything is... everything is so perfect with you. You make every of my wishes come true.

I do my best because you are all I've ever wanted and needed.

Silence returned. His hand stroked her body, under her shirt. With one finger he gently drew circles over her belly.

You know what?

She had to giggle softly and shook her head.

When I first saw you singing La vie en rose, when I saw you on this stage on 13th April 2016, I knew it was you. I knew that you are the person I want to spend my life with, the person I love more than anything.

She sighed a little at his words.

I think it was the same with me. When I was on stage I looked at the people, but I was stuck on one person. It was like a spell when I saw you. At that moment I was sure. And look where we are now?

She buried her head in his neck.

Now we are lying here on the sofa, cuddling and enjoying the time together. Just us.

She put her hand on his and placed it on her stomach.

It is so beautiful. I would love to never get up again. Never be away from you again.

Believe me, you will NEVER be away from me! You can't get rid of me. We are just more connected now! Forever.

She leaned her forehead against his again and gave him an Eskimo kiss until he bent over and bandaged her lips again. Slowly and sluggishly they brought their lips together and enjoyed the feeling. Their hands still lying on her belly, her legs tangled a little. Somehow they managed to slide even closer together as Bradley kissed a path across her skin. A beautiful smile adorned her face as she saw with how much love he placed a kiss on her belly.

You are too cute!

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you. You are even cuter!

He pulled his T-shirt over her body again and lay down next to her.

I think we are hungry for Cheetos now.


Yes ... I'm really sorry to bring so much unrest in here, but I think I really need my Cheetos now.

They both had to laugh.

Oh ... And I have to pee.

How about... you go to the bathroom and I'll get some Cheetos and we'll watch a movie?


He nodded and looked at her.

That's a wonderful idea!

She stood up and stretched a little. Bradley looked at her with a glint in his eye. She was just perfect for him.

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