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Bradley's heart raced as he stepped onto the red carpet for the premiere of his latest cinematic venture, "Maestro." The dazzling lights, the cacophony of camera shutters, and the distant cheers of eager fans formed a surreal backdrop to what he knew was a pivotal moment in his career.
As he navigated the labyrinth of interviews and photo opportunities, his eyes were constantly searching for one familiar face, Lady Gaga. He knew she would come, not just from the rumors, but because she had promised him.
With every interview, his eyes kept wandering to the entrance, eager to see when the beautiful, blonde would finally arrive. Lea was also completely excited. It was her first time on the red carpet and of course she didn't want Stefani to miss it, especially as she was like a second mother to her.

Daddy? When is mommy coming?

I don't know, sweetie. She should be here soon.

Carey and Nicole looked at him and grinned. The picture in front of them was way to adorable.

Looks like she heard you.

Not a second later, everyone started cheering. The atmosphere in the room changed abruptly and without even seeing her, he could feel her presence. As soon as he turned around green and blue met each other in an intense way.
There she was, a vision in elegance and support, radiating a charisma that captivated everyone around her. Memories of their collaboration on "A Star Is Born" flooded his mind, each step toward her amplifying the nostalgia and excitement ... just that it was different now. This time, she was no longer part of the movie, instead it was Carey. But not only that, a lot had changed behind the scenes too. Above all, they were together and living their best lives. And today was the first time in a long time that they had been seen together in public. Not as a couple, they were probably still a long way from that, but it didn't matter, because she was here.


Relief washing over him as she went towards him with a warm smile.

Hey Bradley!

Stefani embraced him, a genuine warmth in her hug.

Hey, you look incredible. Ready for the big night?

Absolutely. Sarah needed a little more time with the make up, I'm sorry.

It's wonderful!

Bradley had a subtle grin playing on his lips. His gaze lingered on her, her presence offering a familiar anchor in the midst of the whirlwind premiere.
As they walked the red carpet together, the flashes of cameras seemed to melt away when Stefani was near.
Carey, tried to engage him in conversations when they were talking to an interviewer, but his responses were automatic, his attention elsewhere. Eyes looking permanently to her and her beautiful appearance.
The chemistry between him and Stefani, both on and off screen, had left an indelible mark, and tonight's premiere felt like a reunion of soulmates for everyone. The connection they had with each other enchanted everyone, so that the actual movie faded more and more into the background.
On the way to the theater, his hands kept finding their way to her. She was like a magnet for him, so much so that everyone around her had probably already noticed what was happening between them. At one moment he was about to take her hand, but luckily she was quick enough and looked at him with a knowing look. When it came to being professional, she was much better than him anyway, because Bradley was so transparent when it came to his emotions. He could barely control his excitement and smiled incessantly the whole time she was around him.
Even in the large movie theater, their affection didn't get any better. He found his seat right next to her, Lea between Stefani and Nicole. Even though she tried to be professional, not let on and appear neutral, unlike him, who had failed from the very first second, she couldn't help but find his hand.
Their fingers were intertwined as she smiled sweetly at him.

I'm so proud of you! The movie is wonderful!

The premiere concluded with thunderous applause, and the afterparty beckoned. Carey and a few other people were eager to discuss the film's reception, tried to engage Bradley, but he found himself excusing from the conversation. He needed a moment with Stefani, a chance to share a quiet corner away from the public eye.

Stef, can we talk for a minute?

Bradley asked, leading her away from the lively crowd. Her eyebrows drew together, a little concerned of whate he would say, unsure why he wanted to speak to her alone. Especially on the red carpet, she had tried to appear neutral and not like the girlfriend who would have loved to jump on him, but it was difficult. And what she didn't want at all was for him to get the feeling that she was serious.

Of course. Is everything alright with you?

Stefani inquired, her eyes filled with curiosity, as they stood in a empty corner, where only a few people were able to see them.
Unable to contain the rush of emotions, Bradley gently cupped her face and kissed her. It was a tender and familiar connection, a balm to his nervous soul. The world around them seemed to fade as they shared that intimate moment.

Gosh, I needed that.

Bradley confessed, a soft smile playing on his lips when they finally pulled away. The weight on his shoulders seemed to lift, replaced by a newfound sense of calm. She grinned, watching him knowingly.

You're nervous, huh?

More than I'd like to admit, but having you here makes it all worthwhile.

Her thumb gently stroked his lips to wipe off the small imprint of her lipstick.

I'm nervous too, but I know you're with me. I think the only one who isn't nervous is Lea. She does it so well, like a little pro.

You're right. She's so happy that you're here, beaming from ear to ear.

Wouldn't miss our little girls first red carpet.

Stefani had this warm expression on her face whenever she looked at him, which gave him strength. She had the ability to reassure him with just a look and make him believe that everything was all right. He was just happy to have her with him, somehow he could hardly believe it because it seemed so surreal.

Can I kiss you again?

Incredulous at how cute he was, especially when he was nervous, she shook her head before closing the gap between them again. His hand was right back on her hip.

Okay, come on. We shouldn't give the others a show, otherwise I could have just kissed you on the red carpet.

Next time then.

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