Leo's Party

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It's short and cheesey ... But I love cheesey. So enjoy? Idk 😂

You look god damn beautiful!

With a smile on her face, she spun around, twirling her dress a little.


Thank you! You don't look too bad yourself!

He walked up to her, put his hands on her hips as she stood a few steps higher than him and was taller than him.

We can't stay here?

She stroked his cheek with one hand and looked at him lovingly.

Leo is one of your best friends, B. You promised him and besides, the evening is sure to be nice. Salma's there too, for example.

Not that Salma is stealing my girlfriend!

She had to stifle a loud laugh until she looked at him seriously and started speaking with her Italian accent.

Then you'd-a bettah make sure she doesn't get-a bored! ... And maybe kiss-a her.

Nothing better than that.

He leaned towards her and gently pressed his lips to hers, so tenderly and lovingly that she had to smile again.
Suddenly a horn sounded from outside, the driver was there. She interlaced her fingers with his and wanted to go to the car, but Bradley suddenly stopped.

Wait, I've forgotten my jacket.

It was always the same with him and she knew it, she knew him. If his head hadn't been stuck, he would probably have forgotten it somewhere by now. Luckily, she only waited a few seconds for Bradley to come back out and then they walked to the car together. Her hand was about to reach for the door handle, but he was quicker, so he opened the door for her like a gentleman and let her in.
She gave him a quick look of thanks and then sat down in the seat.

Hey, thanks for driving us!

The driver smiled in the rear-view mirror and waved as Bradley said hello and closed the door behind him.
After they had fastened their seatbelts and set off, Stefani leaned on his shoulder.

You are such a gentleman!

Slowly, her hand slipped into his and intertwined their fingers.

Just for you!


He didn't let go of her hand as he wrapped his arm around her so she could scoot even closer to him and he could plant a kiss on her temple. Her eyes closed for a brief moment as she felt him give her a kiss and cherished the moment. Actually, the whole hour-long car journey consisted of the music in the car getting a little louder and louder and them sitting arm in arm in the back seat of the car and cuddling. They sang along quietly to a few songs and elicited another small smile from each other.

May I please?

He opened the door and waited in front of it, his hand outstretched in her direction so that she could get out more easily on her high heels.
They walked hand in hand to the house and were immediately greeted by familiar faces. It took them a while to make their way to Leo and congratulate him.

Hey, glad you made it!

Always buddy!

Bradley pulled him into a tight hug and patted him on the back.

Happy birthday old man!

Hey, watch out Cooper! You're not much younger!

Both men laughed and Stefani also had a small smile on her face.

You brought your lady too. Hello Stefani!


She hugged him too, but not as rudely and not for as long.

Happy birthday!

Really nice to see you. Have fun, oh and Stefani. There's a poker table over there too.

Leo winked at her and was already being hugged by the next guests.

I'll keep that in mind.

As soon as Leo had gone, she turned to Bradley and grinned at him.

Are you coming to get a drink?

Wordlessly, he took her hand and followed her to the bar. He got a water, Stefani a glass of her beloved whiskey.

Oh, Stefani, mi amiga!

Suddenly there was a familiar voice behind her and she immediately turned around and saw Salma coming towards her.


It's been ages, and look at you, gorgeous!

The two greeted each other with a warm embrace.

You look great!

Look at you and your companion! Bringing this fine gentleman to the party - it's almost as if you want to make the whole Hollywood jealous!

Well, he does add a touch of charm to any event. I'm lucky he accompanied me.

Stefani looked at him with sweet eyes and stroked his chest with one hand.
The two women continued to talk, mainly about new projects and how the family was doing.
After a while, Bradley saw some friends waving at him, so he leaned closer to his girlfriend and whispered in her ear.

I'll be right back. I'll just say hello to Dave and the boys, okay for you?

Her hand was briefly on his, resting on her hip, and she nodded.

I'll find you.

They both smiled at each other and gave each other a quick kiss before he left her and she continued talking to Salma.

Dios mío, you two are so cute! Look at your face, darling. He makes you happy! Two sweethearts!

Suddenly she was shy, her cheeks flushed and a slightly insecure grin was on her face.

He does. He makes me very happy.

I'm so happy for you guys. You deserve that and- Oh hey.

At that moment, a few other guests came up to the two women and hugged them. The party was getting fuller and fuller and after a few more conversations, Stefani just wanted some peace and quiet. By quiet, she more likely meant Bradley, whom she hadn't seen for at least an hour.
Searching and slightly tipsy from the whiskey, she walked through the rooms. It was as if they were two magnets, because somehow her feet had immediately gone in the right direction, so that only a short time later she was standing next to him. He was in the middle of a conversation, but as soon as he noticed her, he swarmed the other person and focused on her, the two blonde strands hanging out of her braid and sticking slightly to her discreetly sweaty skin or the lipstick that was still perfectly on her lips, even though she had already had a drink and he had already kissed her several times that evening.

Everything okay?


Is there anything I can do for you?

Just be you, that's enough.

I can manage that.

He stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly, only to give her a kiss on the forehead.

I love you!

He didn't have time to answer because she immediately leaned into him and captured his lips, pulling him down to her. They made out a little until Leo walked past them and just raised his eyebrows.

I see people are having fun here. Go carry on!

Because she was a little embarrassed to be caught in a way like that, she pressed her face against Bradley's chest with a grin, while he just continued to hug her and give his buddy a knowing look.
Once they were alone in the corner of the room again, he cupped her face and made her look at him.

I love you too!

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