Separation Anxiety (Part 2- After Hours)

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You waved at the final child leaving as they continued to sing the song about you and sun making out in some tree. You were forced to put on a smile to the child's parent as they leaved, as you closed the Gates and the lights switched off, a sigh of relief escaped your mouth. Only to be stopped by the realization that now you have to clean the daycare in the dark, oh don't worry. Just wait for the lights to turn on in 15 minutes.

You sat down in the swivel seat behind the front desk, it was still warm from before naptime. You took my backpack from behind you seat and pulled out a pile of papers. As you did, you  remembered who you worked with, Moon's eyes were piercing a hole in the side of you head.

"I can feel you staring at me idiot" You shouted at Moon on the top of the play structure. Great, Vanessa gave you ANOTHER night shift. You had to watch Sun and Moon until the doors opened back up, but hey. It could be worse, you could have to watch ALL the animatronics. Instead, you had to deal with Mr.Sunshine, and Mr.Darkness.

"I wasn't staring at you!" Moon snapped back at you. "I was looking at those papers in your hands!" He stuttered and jumped onto another play structure. You wondered, where did the Moon when you guys first met come from. That flirty, confident person replaced with this bumbling, swag-less idiot. It was actually funny, maybe you had such an impact on his robo-psyche that even HE developed a split personality.

The papers you were holding in your hands were application to other jobs, you were fine here. Some of the children here were actually funny, but this job wasn't paying very well. So either you had to get ANOTHER job, or you need to dump this one, and you were thinking about dumping this one.

"I could either work here, or go work at that diner over on main street." You mumbled to yourself, it would be best not to tell either Sun or Moon you plan on moving jobs. You've only been here for 5 weeks and even then, they've gotten attached to you. If they even can get attached to anyone.

"You could do what?" Moon appeared over you shoulder and stared at the job application in your hand. "Jesus fucking christ Moon, where did you come from!"

"You. could do. what?" he repeated, creeping closer too you. He had both hands on your shoulder seeming to keep you still, his head was partially resting of you shoulder as he tilted his head to your ear once more. 

"What are you going to do, Twilight?" Moon voice sounded assertive, not like he was wimping around earlier today. This time he was serious, this was the person you thought you would see from Sun's descriptions.

"Uhm... j-just looking at some... Schoolwork." You mentally facepalmed at your stupid excuse. You were 21 years old, there aint no way in hell your still in school. And for some reason, you thought this advanced animatronic could read. As you saw Moon's eyes scan the paper, his hands clenched on your shoulders.

"Does Homework involve a diner off of Main Street and Flamingo?" Moon's voice got deeper and more husked as he said that, the growl in his words was noticeable and you could tell that he was angry with you.

"Y-yeah, its where I study. It's quiet, you know." You stutter, every word you said only made Moon's hands tighten on your shoulders. Moon wasn't buying any of what your saying.

"Its quiet here, you know." "Yeah, its quiet during naptime. During the day, I can't even hear myself think" You chuckle to him.

"I could help you than." Moon said, relaxing over you shoulders. His head now laying on my shoulders and his hands lay on my shoulders continuing to keep you still. "No, I'm fine. I can do it on my own" You chuckled, slipping the application into your backpack again. It was hard for you to move, ya know. With the 10 foot animatronic laying his weight on your back.

"You know, Sun is going to be sad when he sees your leaving." Moon sighed, You tensed up trying your best not to show your surprise. You were already trying to lie your way out of this, it was too late to back out now. "What, I'm not leaving... I-I'm just looking at other jobs t-" Moon's hand covered your mouth before you could finish your sentence, you tried to pry his hand off your face but again, what did you think this 10-foot, high-tech animatronic was made of? Paper?

"Don't lie to us, we both know your thinking about it." Moon's hand left your mouth as a forlorn expression grew on his face. Damn it, there is no way your getting guilt tripped by a hunk of metal, are you? A sigh came from you as you gave in "Alright, fine. I won't leave." You chuckled as you stroked Moon head. "Wait, really?" His face looked as surprised as you, maybe he didn't think you would agree with him.

"Yep, I'll find some other way to feed myself every day." You sighed. You continued to pet Moon's head as you looked at the other applications you sprawled on the desk. You began to use one hand to collect them all until you heard what could only be described as a groan. You jolted at the sudden noise and looked back at Moon.

Well, it seemed that Mr. Moon over here reacts to you the same way Sun does. Moon's eyes were shut, his mouth agape, he could barely hold his out weight up, but at least he was trying because if not he would've crushed you by now. He seemed like he was in heaven from something as simple as a head pat. Despite the adorableness of Moon's situation, you let his head go and continued to set all the papers back in your backpack. Moon was not the least bit happy about the situation though, hints of confusion and anger swirled around in his eyes and the fans in him were going haywire to try and keep up. As you set down the last stack of papers, Moon grabbed your hand once again and places it on his head. You looked back at him, his eyes looking away trying to dodge contact with you. 

You chuckled at Moon, still not letting go of your hand. "Aww, does Moon man have headpats?" you purred. Moon seemed embarrassed, but nonetheless blurted out, "Yes.."

A moment of silence fell between you two as you tried to digest what he just said, but ever second you spend staring at Moon, he grew impatient...

Haha, worse time for a cliffhanger. Get fucked >:)

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