Separation Anxiety(Part 4- Peace and Quiet)

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A week after Vanessa asked you to fix Freddy, and every day Sun seemed to be getting colder towards you. Even though the peace and quiet was satisfying, after a while it was almost suffocating. Everyday when you walked into the gate, Sun wouldn't jump up and nearly crush you with a hug like usual. He would just give you a painful smile and continue cleaning the Daycare.

During Naptime, Moon would still stare at you and when you looked at him, He would still dodge your eyes. Maybe you could talk to him, you took the night shift specifically to talk to Sun and Moon. Even though you thought about it all day, you still didn't know why you cared so much about Sun or Moon. They both annoy the living hell out of you, but it was still better than the silent torture they have subdue you to.

Moon was sulking on one of the play structures, you took in a deep breath and called Moon down to the floor.

"What do you want, Y/N?" Moon grunted as he hit the floor.

"Uhm..... So, a-are you guys mad at me fo-"

"DO YOU FUCKING THINK WE'RE MAD AT YOU?" Moon barked, his voice rose so loud you had half a mind to cover your ears to save your eardrums, but all you were able to do was flinch. You were stunned, you couldn't really think of anything to say to Moon.

"W-why are you... THAT mad?" You chuckled, you had a bad habit of laughing under intense situations. This was one of those moments where you hated yourself for it.

"I saw your little "affair" with Mr. Fazfuck" You had never heard Moon curse, it was scary to say the least.

"Affair? All I did was fix him!"

"You don't need to sit on someone's lap to fix them." Moon was getting angrier by the minute, everything you said he would deflect it. There would be no way you could apologize like this.

"Wait a minute..." You whispered.

"What?" Moon blurted.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Moon's face dropped and the fans inside him started to go haywire. His angry, agitated aura melted back into the nervous, swag-less wreck you knew before.

"W-what? Why would I be jealous!" You laughed and walked towards the front desk, Moon swiftly following behind you. You just sat back down with your smug smile on your face while he continually asked what made you think he was jealous. As you sorted through paperwork for the daycare, Moon sat behind your chair. There were several complaints about him in the paperwork. When you kept failing to answer his question, Moon turned the chair and grabbed your face with both hands, and then he pulled your eyes to him.

"Y/N, don't you dare ignore m-" Moon froze in place when he realized how close you were to his face, as a smile formed on your face.

"O-oh... I uhm... I'm s-sorry Y/N. I-I didn't mea-" When your hand landed on his head, Moon cut off his sentence. his eyes closed as he slowly became a little more tipsy, it was always adorable to watch Moon like this. Like a happy little puppy dog, without thinking, you planted a kiss on his head, not knowing what came over you. His fans went haywire, his eyes shot back up to you, then a goofy smile broke out onto his face. He looked like Sun, happy-go-lucky little toddler.

Moon grabbed your waist and basically fell into your chest, you jolted back but got caught by Moon setting you back into the swivel chair.

"Don't do that again. Okay, Twilight?" Moon's voice got calmer, he was basically cradling you in his arms, swaying side to side. You were stunned for a bit before you just brushed your hand on his head.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay"

(I summon you, great lord Timeskip, to help me with this story because I have no idea what I'm doing (ノ・∀・)ノ)

It was the next day in the daycare, Sun still didn't jump up and hug you again. But he was a little more talkative with you, he still seemed mad, but for a different reason. You didn't know what ELSE you could have done, so you just decided to see what the goof was mad for.

Sun was once again sitting next to the front desk, charging. He eyed all of the children, never keeping his eyes off of them.

"Hey Sun" You whispered, you didn't want the kids singing about you and Sun in a tree again.

"Yes, Y/N?" Your stomach still turned hearing Sun say your real name, you don't know why. It was just your name, it's not like he insulted you.

"I mean, it just looked like you were mad today. So, I kinda want to know why." You stuttered, trying to read Sun's face.

"Oh, its nothing." Sun said, his blank face making you nervous.

"Uhm.. okay, but... you just always, like scream my name whenever I come to work so..."

"But you told me you hated that." Sun turned to you, his face still blank. " I mean, you shouldn't take EVERYTHING I say so literally." You try to whisper that under your breath, but Sun somehow caught it.

"Well, do you LIKE it when I do that?"

"Uhm... I... well, I..." You were stumbling on your words, you didn't think Sun could do this to you. Put you at an ACTUAL loss for words, but here he was.

"What are you mad about Sun, I know you mad about SOMETHING"

"Alright, I'm mad about you and Moon. Like I said, it's nothing." Sun's face scrunched up as you tried to figure out what he was talking about. "What? What about me and-" Then it hit you. "Wait, you're mad because I kissed Moon before you. Aren't you?"

Sun's face broke from that blank stare and snapped to you. "No, I'n n-not THAT selfish!" Sun continued his stuttering, trying his best to convince HIMSELF he wasn't jealous. Still, nonetheless you knew it wouldn't work. So you stroked Sun's head, letting him close his eyes before you kissed the top of his head. He was almost as surprised as the kids that were eating in front of the desk.

"Seeeeeee~ I knew Y/N liked Sun!" One of the children shouted from the back of the daycare. Sun happiness quickly turned into regret as the children continuously chanted about You and Sun making out again. But Instead of interfering, you just laughed at Sun's reaction as he unplugged himself and tried to distract the children.


Okay, yet ANOTHER chapter finished.... 

Now all I have to do is finished the story...


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