Hello Sunshine~! (Part 2- Hello Twilight)

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It's been two week since you signed up to stay at this horror show of an establishment. Everyday when you walk into the gates of the daycare, Sun jumps at you only to be stopped with a nasty look from your face

Sun was annoying, almost as annoying as the kids you had to deal with everyday. It was weird, a 10-foot animatronic made to keep children in line was the same animatronic who acted like a toddler. 

But there was one time when that happy-go-lucky animatronic acted not so happy, a child left group story time and made their way to the front desk. Started messing with the papers and pens on the desk, then saw the light switch next to the entrance. The child was just about to touch it when Sun grabbed them.

"Hehe- uhm... friend, we d-don't touch that.. hehe. Whats my number one rules? Keep the lights on... ON.. on..."

A hint of concern could be heard throughout the wave of fear coming from his voice. You thought about that day every time you were at the front desk, you were thinking about what that clown could be hiding. And why was he so worried about it? All of these question were floating in your mind as you scrubbed Sun's arms as he sat criss-cross under you.

"I can't believe these kids managed to get both Paint AND marker on you!" You huffed. Your eyebrows furrowed as you made your way down from his arm to his chest.

"Uhm... I-I'm sure they d-didn't mean to, t-they are just kids." Sun seemed to be trying to calm you down. you had to crouch in order to make it down to his top stomach, Sun's hand was on your back trying his best to keep you from falling over.

"Kids, my ass!" You blurted. "There is an obvious rule of no throwing art supplies!"

Sun was trying his best to calm you down, the fact that you were mad and had a bucket of water next to you made him nervous. You got down to his storage plates and stopped, your arm couldn't reach that far and there was no way you were bending down with this animatronic's hand on your back. So, you begrudgingly kneels down and sat on Sun's leg, and if Sun could blush. He most definitely would.

"Uhm... Sunshine, are you sure you should be sitting like that?" Sun stuttered as you made your way down his stomach.

"Oh come on, don't tell me the animatronic is having dirty thoughts now" You chuckle, Sun looks away in embarrassment and his eyes lock on the clock. It was 9:58, Two minutes before closing time. Two minutes before the lights went out...

"Uhm... Y/N, I t-think I'm clean enough now. You should probably join Vanessa and check on the others." Sun voice sounded stuttery and shallow.

"Why would I? One, Vanessa hates me and two your body is still covered in paint. Plus, I took the night shift." Sun tried to pull your shirt without alarming you but the clock was ticking, he didn't want to hurt you or worse...

He didn't want him to hurt you...


That was the sound of the clock striking 10:00, You continued scrubbing until you saw the lights diming and then shutting off completely. A chill ran down your spine as you look up to see the room pitch black, your eyes hadn't yet adjusted to the unlit room when you felt a hand touch your back once again.

"Sun, can you not. I'm not scared of the dark ya know." You scoff.

"Oh, don't worry Twilight, I know your not~"

A low, growling came from above you, you head snapping up as you eyes still try to adjust to the dark room. The only thin you could see were two red lights above you while a pointed hat glow with yellow stars trailing it. The robot's hand was holding you still while it's open hand was running through your hair, as your eyes grew used to the dark the robot's image became more clear. This was the animatronic you saw everywhere around the daycare, you never saw them until now. Now that you did, you understood why Sun was so scared.

The animatronic's hand was slowly running though our (h/c) hair, its other hand rubbing circles on your back. Its face had a smug grin, a grin that definitely wasn't on there before.

"Ahh, so your the Y/N Sun is always blabbering about" The animatronic voice rumbled in your ears, how did it know your name? How did it know Sun? All these questions ran through your head as your eyes adjusted to the dark. The animtronic seemed to be trying to comfort you, rubbing your head and back, it would work if you didn't think it was trying to kill you.

"W-Who the hell are you?" You stuttered, you face becoming red from the large hand running on your back. A chuckle could be heard from the entity above you, as it rubbed its hand lower on your back.

"Aww, come on. You can't say you haven't seen me before, or at least my troublesome counterpart." As your eyes adjusted to the dark, you saw the animatronic that could be seen on the walls of the daycare. Moondrop, and you had to say, this was not how you would expect to meet an animatronic that takes care of children.

"Wha-? Moon?! What the hell?" You shouted, pushing yourself away from his chest only to be pulled back.

"Oh come on, can't someone have a little fun on their first day back?~" Moon's voice was deep, husky and the way he said that was reminiscent of a purr. Despite the constant flirting from Moon you were able to keep a cool head and wrestle yourself out of his arms.

"Moondrop, what the hell! So your the one Sun has been warning me about all this time." You shouted at him, Moon still criss-cross on the floor. Despite you spewing profanities at him, his face seemed happy, ecstatic even only to see that

"OOooOoh~ I love me an assertive woman" Moon cupped you chin and pulled your face down to his. You face red from the imminent contact until-


The lights wen't back on

Sun scurried to get back on his feet and grabbed onto you, searching for any cut or marks from Moon's visit, after he found nothing he grabbed you face by both sides and met your eyes with his "Are you ok, Y/N?" His voice was scared and fast, he was holding you face still and his hands were making it warmer. He's never really called you by your real name, it scared you. If he was that scared of Moon and he did almost nothing, what could he do?

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Moon didn't do anything." You stutter.

Sun gave out a relieved sigh when you said that, only to realize he had been so close to your face. He scurried to let your face go and stuttered as he wen't to go clean the daycare. Not caring that he was still covered in paint.

Hehe, little goofball


Word Count: 1173

And, I am off >:)

Hello There, Sunshine! (Sun/Moon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now