Broken Pieces

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Shit! You had to do laundry today. the tiny, studio, disheveled apartment you were able to afford with the 'FazBear Salary' didn't have washing machines, and the last thing you were going to do was go to a public wash at 5:00 in the morning.

You sift through your clothes, maybe you had some jeans to match your uniform? Generally, your pants drawer consisted of dirty clothes you threw in there or pants with more holes than fabric.

You last option were some blue shorts in the back of the drawer. Ehh, I mean. Better than going butt-ass naked.


Since you spent most of the day behind the front desk, children didn't really see your pale-ass legs. But you still felt over-exposed in a way. It was tough to show your legs, I mean god knows how long these shorts were used as pajamas. Because of it, your legs were lighter than the rest of your body, so you could not be proud of these pieces of meat anytime soon.

The children never really said anything to you, they just jumped and played with Sun. Which was funny, considering he had about 20 children around him at once. But every time he caught a glimpse of you staring at him, he would always wave back at you.

It was as quiet as it could be during naptime, some children would act asleep and play with their friends while Moon wasn't looking. You wouldn't tell him about it though, would save their parents the hospital bill. Moon's eyes pierced a hole in the side of your head during naptime, but when you looked up and waved back at him, his eyes dodged yours. This guy is REALLY good at sending mixed signals.

During daycare clean up, Sun was taking care of the insides of the play structures while you tended to the mountains of shredded paper and crayons from arts and crafts. You had to get on your knees and carry around a trash bag while Sun had a whole trash compactor build into himself, this seemed kind of unfair to you but no one in the staff would take the youngest one in the office seriously.


You accidentally slipped on some un-closed scissors.

You tried your best not to scream, if Sun knew you hurt yourself you wouldn't hear the end of it. You pulled your leg up and saw some black safety scissors lodged deep under your knee. Well, so much for safe for children. You prayed to every god you could think of, hoping the scissors were just very small. Because if not, these scissors may have reached bone. You shaking hand grasped the blood-soaked scissors and tried to wiggle them out of your thigh, sucking air through you teeth in the process.

You leg was basically covered in blood at this point, you eyes were watering as you tried to pull the scissors out. "Sunshine, I'm finished cleaning th-" Sun's sentence was cut short from the sight of red all over you. A small moment of silence was cut short by Sun's panicked screaming.

"OH MY STARS! Sunshine, are you alright?" Sun was looming over you, stroking your head in an attempt to calm both you, and him down. "Yeah, im alright. Just stepped wrong." You chuckled, Sun did not see your joke as funny. He lifted you up and bolted twards the front desk, there was a first aid kit in one of the drawers. It was only supposed to be used for emergencies, but I guess Sun thinks this is an emergency.

Sun gently planted you down onto your swivel seat and rooted through the desk drawers. His eyes lit up as he grabbed the first aid kit "Got it!" Sun shouted. Sun pulled out some gauze bandages and grabbed your leg and held it up to his face, a look of dismay fell onto his hand as he glared at your red-covered leg.

He had a stroke of alarm as his hand hovered underneath the scissors lodged in your thigh, "Uhm... Sunshine?". He slowly trailed his hand above the pair of scissors and onto your outer thigh as his tenseness echoed in his voice. "Do you... mind if I..." Sun's suggestion was unclear, but you didn't care because your leg was almost numb.

"Yeah, Yeah. Its fine, just pull the stupid thing out already." You groan, Sun's available hand cupped your inner thigh and he started rubbing circles on your skin with his thumb, his other hand grabbed the pair of scissors and started wiggling them. You couldn't help but yelp from the sudden jolt of pain, Sun's rays retracted in hearing your protest. Than out of nowhere, Sun pulled the scissors out with one tug.

Oh shit? What just happened? Your brain didn't know how to react, all you felt was shock in seeing Sun holding the scissors above its original placement. But after a while, you brain finally caught on.

Waves of pain started taking over your body. You screamed in pain before you used your hand to cover your mouth, biting down on your hand in the processes. "I'm sorry, Sunshine. It was better than trying to do it slowly" Sun's voice sounded guilty and ashamed, but you putting you hand on his head erased that guilt quickly. "Its fine Sun, at least my leg doesn't hurt anymore." You lightly giggled, Sun began wrapping a gauze around your leg, his eyes seemingly burning a hole in your leg. What was he thinking about? Why was he staring at you like that?

Your mind was going off the rails wondering why Sun seemed to be fixated on your now fully-wrapped leg. Sun's hand levitated over your upper leg once more. His fans going erratic, the air going out his mouth simulating the feeling of breathing on your legs. "Uhm... H-hey Sunshine..?" Sun's hand landed below your knee. "Do you mind if I... uhm..."

"..Touched you again..?"

Well, he sure didn't word THAT correctly

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