Rises the Moon

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(See what I did there)

"You want me to do what?" Vanessa barked dropping the screwdriver. "Come on, please Ness. I have to deal with 50 kids on a daily, I need SOME kind of assistance ya know!" Vanessa seemed to annoy you as she snapped the arm back on the security bot that seemed to fall over, or at least the gash in its head told you that.

"Just make a Moon animatronic, I need some extra assistance!" You begged, Vanessa raised her eyebrow as she pointed you to the screwdriver. Slapping the tool into her hand, you returned to asking her to make Moon a suit. "Y/N, you are asking the WRONG person." Vanessa snapped back at your before you could open your mouth. "If you want any help with making animatronic's, go get Dune." "What does that asshole know about making animatronics?" You barked.

"They're technically the only one here with the schooling to do robotic repairs, plus they works with Monty. He's had to fix much more than animatronics" Vanessa giggled, your quietness made her drop her smile.

"Just go already, I have to finish this guy." Vanessa waved her hand, urging you to the door. You stomped the door, disappointed with your new settle. Damn it, you hated Dune and they hated you. But you couldn't disappoint Sun... and you didn't know how Moon would react if you went back on your promise.

An awaiting Dune sat at the front of Monty Golf, polishing off a golf club before making eye contact with you. "Oh look, it's little Ms. Child Rangler." Dune growled as you approached. Dun dropped the golf club to their side and chuckled at you. "So, there has to be a reason you came. Other than you just dying to see me." Dun must have copy-and-pasted Monty's personality to themself, or it was just a matter of fate. The same twisted, smug demeanor that Monty showed seemed to glow right through Dune.

Dune ran a hand through their rainbow-colored hair, then pushed their glasses back waiting for you to answer, you had to admit. Even if they were a pain in the ass, they were a good-looking pain in the ass.

"Vanessa said if I wanted some extra assistance, then I need to ask you." You blurted, which gave Dune a chuckle. "I'm not leaving my post, Monty'll kill me" "I don't want you, dumbass!" You cut Dune off, receiving a raised brow from them. "I wanted you to make a new suit for Moon, split the two apart." You say, dodging eye contact and leaning against the wall in front of them.

"You want me to make another suit for Moon? The destructive, agitating asshat?"

"I have to deal with 50-70 children daily, I need to find SOME way to rile them down" That technically wasn't a lie, you did have to deal with tens of children. And it did kick you in the ass daily.

"Fine, fine. I'll do it." Dune pushed themself off the wall and walked up closer to you, cupping the bottom of your chin and tilting your face to his. "Only because that face of yours is so cu-" Their sentence was shortened by a sharp slap to the face, the deep, lustful giggle it refunded was enough to make your spine chill. "Alright, alright. I see the boundaries I crossed." Well, I guess he isn't ALL like Monty

Dune grabbed the hand you slapped with and pulled it in the air, Dune's face came back to its suffocating distance to yours. "That one was a freebie, but it won't happen again." Their hand dropped your arm and pushed you away from the entrance. "Now leave, the best I can do is get it done in a few days." They shouted from the entrance, you looked back down at your hand and saw a flaming red mark where Dune's hand once was.

Nevermind, he IS just like Monty


Three days, its been three days since Dune took Sun from the daycare to work on Moon's new suit. You didn't realize how much you needed Sun until now, the Daycare was dirty. The children had you going crazy, but this also made you realize how weird it was to not have Sun's incoherent babbling or Moon angered grumbling in your ear all day.

On the third day you had to close down the Daycare, only because you couldn't clean with children screaming nonsense in your ear. Trash Bag in hand, you walk through the daycare picking up trash piece after trash piece. Tiredness grows in your body before you hear The daycare gate door's creek open. A few moments of silence fall while you wait for Vanessa to come jumping through asking what the hell happened to the daycare


Instead of a 6 foot human jumping at you, a 10 foot animatronic came crashing through those doors. Immediately grabbing you from the ground and cradling you in his arms, kisses litter the top of your head from Sun, which would make you laugh. If you could breath, but you repeatedly tapped Sun's shoulder urging him to let go. "O-oh, sorry Sunshine. We just really missed you."

Sun gently set you down and ruffled your hair back to its state. "What do you mean, We-?"

"Hey there, Twilight~ "

A hand landed on your shoulder and quickly spinned you around. Moon's new suit looked a lot different, Moon had a new tailed, dark blue suit. A frilly ruff trimmed the top of the suit and a star dangled from Moon's pointed sleep hat. From your shoulder, Moon moved his hand to the side of your face and brushed it along your jawline. A chill ran down your spine seeing Moon's new smile, and your chill only got bigger and Moon moved your hair back to plant a kiss on your forehead.

"HEY! Its my turn!" Sun huffed, only making Moon's smile melt to a scowl. "You kissed her, like 20 times." Moon's voice had a hint of annoyance, with a surge of down-right anger following it. "Well, it could've been 21!" Sun's pout was visible on both his face and his words. But your laughter was cut short by Moon shouting
"What. the heck. Happened here?" Sun and Moon look at the trash-scattered daycare, look at each other and then look at you. "Uhm... Sunshine.... Wha- What did you do while we were gone?" Sun asked before tapping you on the shoulder. "Nothing, that's the problem." You say , stroking your head. "Didn't realize how much I needed you guys, actually."

"Wow, do we're just trash compactors to you. Huh?" Moon scoffed, helping you off the ground.

"Moon! Of course, we're not!" Sun bounced off the floor and looked at the Moon for a moment. "R-right, Sunshine?" "No you guys aren't trash compactors." You put your hand as close to both their shoulders as you could, urging them to crouch down. Once they did, a hand stroked each of their heads. "I like both of you. " You darted your eyes to Moon, who immediately relaxed as you said that.

"Now, Twilight. H-how do you expect to clean this place?" Moon chuckled, pushing your hand away from his head.

"Oh right... forgot about that.."

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