Something Different (Under the Eclypse Pt.1)

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You had to leave the daycare for a bit, apparently separating Sun and Moon was a "safety violation" and "tampering with private property" Bluh, bluh, bleh! While you were on leave, at least you could fix up your apartment. The only bad thing was this wasn't a paid leave, so you just lost 3 days worth of income. But I mean, its better than having to deal with children right?


You finally came back to your workstation to see Sun sitting on the front desk, looking like he is contemplating reality. Poor guy, his head was looking to the floor hand on his face. It seemed he didn't notice you had entered as he seemed to be talking to moon.

"What are we going to tell Y/N?" What are they talking about? Tell me what? "I mean, I'm pretty sure we would scare her if he were blatant" "Yeah, I know you want to but I don't want to scare her off. You remember what happened the last time you said she would enjoy something!"

Sun seemed frustrated with Moon for some reason. You looked around the daycare to see if there could be some context given. The daycare looked clean. The only thing out of place was the light switch. The switch had been changed to a dimmer switch. Confused, you finally intervened in the conversation.

"Uhm... I'm back guys!" Sun turned his head as his eyes lit up with excitement. Sun jumped out and ran towards you, grabbing you in his arms and planting kisses all over your head. You smiled as Sun smushed you in his arms, but you really wanted to know what he was talking about.

"Hey, Sun?" You blurted, causing Sun's smile to slightly drop. "Uhm... what were you guys talking about a minute ago? Sun's smile completely vanished as you said that, Sun looked like when he first introduced you to Moon. He was scared, scared for both you AND him. "Uhm.. I- It was nothing Sunshine, it was nothing." Sun set you down and started making his way back to the front desk.

You looked at the new switch instalment and thought it had something to do with whatever it was Sun and Moon was talking about. Putting your hand on the switch you called out Sun's name.

"Hey Sunny, what does this thing do?" You blurted out to Sun, who started panicking as you turned the knob. "W-WAIT, SUNSHINE! D-DON'T, ItS TO RiSkY-Y-y-Y" Sun's voice began glitching with Moon's, then turning to a voice you didn't know. Sun started falling behind the front desk, with you being on the other side you couldn't see what was going on. But your questions were soon answered as an unfamiliar face emerged from the front desk. a blacked-out face and red sunrays greeted me as an unknown animatronic emerged from the corner.

"Uhm... S-sun, Moon? Is that you?" You stuttered, hoping they were still in there. "We are, but at the same time we're not." The new animatronic started making its way toward you. Walking away from the front desk you could see the new animatronic was much larger than you. Much MUCH bigger.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself to you Y/N. You can call me Eclipse, starl-shine." Eclipse stopped as you hit a wall behind you, Eclypse chuckled at your scared expression and crouched down in a void attempt to match your height.

"There is no need to be afraid, it is still us Y/N" Eclypse laughed as he got closer to you. "Sun, Moon?" You hesitated, trying to create some distance between you and Eclipse. "Yes, all of our thoughts, feelings, all of them have been mixed together. When they were remaking Sun's body they made a glitch in the connection process. That glitch made this body" Eclipse's smile was bright, which was obvious since it lit up most of his face. But his smile was just like Sun's, like a happy-go-lucky young toddler. You relaxed a bit as you looked into Eclipse's eyes, seeing that it was indeed Sun and Moon in there. Your hand rested on the side of their head now, Eclipse's face going tipsy as you stroked their head.

Yeah, that was definitely Sun and Moon in there.


Sitting at the front desk, you started going through the papers scattered on your desk after the last 3 days. Sheesh, you had your work cut out for you. Eclipse was sitting behind you, hands on your waist watching you. Eclipse's hands were huge, wait bigger than Sun's. Their hands took up most of your lower body when he was holding you. You tried your best to forget about this but Eclipse's frequent shaking was making it hard to concentrate.

"Whats wrong, Eclipse?" You questioned as you started stroking the side of their head to calm them down. "It- its fine, starshine.. We're just.... having a little t-trouble is all" The last part of their sentence was cut with a low chuckle.

"W-What are you having trouble w-with?" You started stuttering about how Eclipse was squealing your stomach. He was trying his best not to hurt you but trying that only hurt you.

"When we take this form... All of our feelings, our thoughts... our desires get mixed" Eclipse's voice dropped an octave as his head lay on your shoulder. His shaking only got stronger as they tried their best to hold you close. "We're just..... trying to control ourselves, that's all." Eclipse's calm, collected demeanor contradicted their voice. He sounded like he was about to explode. He was trying his hardest to not lose it so... he didn't hurt you.

"Well, its fine. Go ahead and do what you want." You joked a laugh escaped from you as your eyes returned to your work. Only to be stopped by Eclipse cupping the bottom of your chin and turning your head to him.

"ReALy?" Eclipse's voice glitches as he turns your chair to his and you look at his face, his eyes half-lidded. And this lustful smile that made your spine shiver.

Oh crap, what did I just do?


Authors note:


*sniff* *sniff* what is that?

*sniff* Is that what I think it is?

*sniff**sniff**sniff* It is.... Its........

The people who think I'm bout to make this into a smut, because news flash bitches >:)

I.... might, who knows... you just have to read >:D

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