Jealousy is a Disease

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Moon has been laying on top of the play structures all day, the children don't go under that part of the playstructure because of it. All you could hear was Moon grumbling from atop the structure as Sun tried to rile down all the children for story time.

You were still sitting behind the front desk, watching Sun set the children down for a story. Opening his chest cavity and pulling out a copy of the Three Little Pigs. You tilt your eyes up to Moon listening to Sun blabber on about a hungry Wolf terrorizing three pigs. Moon almost looked disgusted, you didn't know why but Moon seemed to not like ANYTHING Sun was saying. Either that, or Moon was looking at the children. Either way, he was very angry.

You wave your hand to catch his attention, watching the group around Sun hoping you didn't catch any unwanted attention. Moon's eyes darted to you, his hat jingled with his head tilting to you. You curl your finger urging his to come to you, Moon instantly jumping off the play structure and creeping to you. You watch the backs of children as they scream with Sun acting like wolves blowing a house down.

"What do you want, Twilight?" Moon growled, creeping behind your swivel chair and hugging you close. Sun's eyes dart to you two for a moment as his smile melted, quickly building up as the kids started screaming again.

"Well, you were grouchy. And since you will now be working with children we can't have that." You say, slowly trailing your index finger on the side of Moon face. A slight shiver could be felt from his as you did that, followed by a low chuckle. "There are children here, awake and loud." Moon soon dug his face into the side of your neck, hat's bell jingling from the sudden movement of his head.

"Are you sure you wanna tempt me~?" The growl in Moon voice was reduced to a purr from his trying his best not to be loud, with made you chuckle. You put your hand under Moon chin and began brushing his chin, causing his to start going back into his trace. The growl he had in his voice before began to fade into a deep purr, whirling in his voice box was heard as his weight started falling on you. Moon's whirling must have alerted one of the children because you could hear a voice from in front of you "Ms. Y/N, what ya doing?"

A moment of silence fell on you, Moon and Sun until you got an idea. A great one at that.

"Oh nothing, Moon just likes to be pet." Moon's eyes widened as he stepped back from you. "What, n-no I don't !!!" Moon's voice box started to glitch as the fans in his body wen't haywire. "Wait, he does?" Sun joined in? Moon looked betrayed, he tried to jump back up onto the play structure before your hand grabbed the back of his head before he could stand up straight. A shiver ran down his spine as the grabbed his neck and pulled him down to your level.

Both of your hands lay on both sides of his head as you quickly pulled your hands up and down across the sides on his head, after a while Moon gave in and his grimace slowly turned into a closed grin, than a uneasy smile that spread across his whole face. Moon looked dazed at this point, even Sun couldn't help but laugh at how easily Moon's expression changed. All the children soon caught on after you turned away from Moon face to them "See?"

Several children soon walked up to you and took the place of your hands, than the whole story time group walked over to Moon, him having SO many mixed feelings about this. Either way, Moon wasn't mad anymore. All the children were basically fawning over him and Sun could finally catch a break. Problem solved.


"Ah come on, Moon. Don't be like thaaaaat~" You sing from behind the front desk, Moon's scowl was clearly visible from the top of the playstructures. Its been a week since Moon upgrade and every day after the children leave, he would basically fight Sun to see who got the most attention. But Moon hasn't spoken to you all day, something MUST be wrong.

"Come on Moon, don't be a buzzkill." Sun said from behind you, helping you grab the last remains of children-spread pieces of paper. A groan came from the gate, making Sun's rays retract from the sound.

"Uhmm.... Y/N... this IS you'r station, right?" The familier voice of Dune came through the empty daycare, Sun caught wind of this and stood up to greet the new guest. "HEEEEELOOO, THERE NEW FRIEND!" Sun's voice echoed though the daycare's walls, making Dune cover their ears.

"Woah... want me to fix that voice box too, hun?" Dune said, hinting at you. A chuckle came from you as your hand tapped the side of Sun's arm signaling him to crouch down. "Sorry, thats honestly how he greets people." "Sorry, new friend." Sun said, retreating to the back of the daycare to clean any more unwanted paper from the ground. Leaving you and Dune alone.

"So... why did you come here?" "O-Oh, I was just sent here to c-check Moon's system. To see if there were any problems with his separation upgrades." "Separation upgrades?" You questioned?

"Basically, if he's separated from someone he's been close to for too long. Hes going to experience something close to separation anxiety." Dune's rainbow hair brushed on your face as he came down to you "So.. you haven't been getting too close to them, right?" Dune voice dropped an octave, making a familiar heat come flooding in your face. "What the-?" "Don't worry, i'm only getting this close to test something." Dune said, putting a hand on the top of your head. "Uhm.... yeah, I'm not really comfortable with this man..." You stutter, trying to move Dune's hand.

"Shush, its only a test!" Their face continued to get closer, making you face red. But your face's heat didn't come down any as Moon grabbed you by the underarms and pulled your up to his face. "Alright, thats enough. She clearly said she wasn't comfortable with that." Moon's voice was graveled and cold, sending chills down your spine. Dune backed away from the irritated Moon and let out a giggle. "Welp, I guess the program works than." Dune gave you a smile and walked off, nearly slamming the daycare gates as they left. Moon let out a snarl and turned back to you.

"Who was that?" Moon barked. "Just the dunce that fixed you up" You rolled you eyes, that didn't sit well with Moon as he started to squeeze you tighter. "Well, have they every done that before?" Moon said, his face coming closer to yours. "I mean, not recently. They do that a lot." Moon's expression was nearly terrifying when you said that, he was infuriated. His grip was getting tighter by the second and you had to stop him before he crushes you.

"Woah, woah. Slow down, Moon!" Sun jumps up from behind Moon and yanks you out of his hands. "Don't crush her!" Sun gently set you onto the floor before giving a smile, Moon looked away from you as you tried to make eye contact again.

Geez, what have you gotten yourself into?


Authors note:


Hello cretins, I am back from the depths of hell to give you another chapter :) This chapter is TECHNICALLY filler, BUT the GOOD kind of filler..... The kind my friend asked me for. BUT ANYWAY! I hope you liked this installment of me banging my head on a keyboard and seeing what autocorrect does with it!

Sayonara, mothasuckas >:D

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