Hello Sunshine~! (Part 1- Meeting New People)

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Birds chirping fill your ears as you jump up from your bed, muffed screams and barks can be heard from downstairs. Mon and Dad must be in another fight again, and the last thing you wanted to hear first thing in the morning was how much your mother wish she had known better.

You pull up your phone to see yet another job denied, you've been trying to find a job since you got out of school. But sadly, no dice.

While you were scrolling though more job applications, you stopped at a suspiciously rainbow colored advertisement.

"Come on down to Freddy Fazbear's PizzaPlex, where family and fun have been living since 1980"  could be seen plastered on the top of the ad, with all the colors you could've mistaken it or an LGBTQ+ ad.

But non-the-less, you stared reading the requirements. Only to see, there barely were any, just an age limit that you barely exceeded. A smile could be seen on your face until you read further, oh no, you would have to deal with children.

a sigh of annoyance escaped your lips as your read that requirement. But you, annoyed at the fact you could still hear your parents arguing, quickly shrugged off this menial task and contacted the number to get started.

(ah yes, the god of Wattpad stories. The great, Lord Timeskip)

Your first day was nerve-racking, you walked into the PizzaPlex, only to figure out that it was one of those pizza places with all the murders. The fact that Freddy Fazbear's was right in the name but you didn't realize until now confused you, but still. This place pays, and the one thing in the word you need right now is money. 

A giant gate could be seen above you as you look back down at the map that weird, slenderman-looking robot handed you. A few re-checks and confused looks got you to realize this was the place. You tried pushing the doors but they were well over your weight class, a few more pushes got the door to fling open. A few seconds of confusion washed over you as you reconsidered your strength, but than two metal hands pulled you off the ground and revealed that a tall, yellow and very creepy robot was behind it.

"Hello There! You must be the new employee

The animatronic's face was reminiscent of a sun, big triangles created sun rays all over its head. But the only thing you cared about right now was that its voice was loud, to loud for your sensitive ears. You quickly push yourself out of the things huge hands and grip your ears hoping your eardrums didn't rupture.

"Oh no! I-I'm sorry, I sometimes don't realize i'm being to loud." The things volume drops down to a comforting level, the once jumpy, energetic aura now melted to a reassuring tone. The robot quickly notice your clenched eyes, seeing that it might've been a little too loud to just be forgiven with an apology. With no second thought, the robot grabbed you and clenched your tightly in its arms.

This sudden action scared you and you quickly pulled yourself out of the animatronic's grasp, for some reason the robot looked confused, sad almost. This made you even more unnerved, so much so you HAD to say something.

"What the hell? I walk in here for 5 seconds and you already have your hands on me?!" You scream, the robot's sunrays retracted as its face pointed down to the floor. You knew these robots were high-tech but you never thought they could display emotions. For some reason you felt, conflicted. Sure, they grabbed your and hugged you for no reason but it seemed like it was trying to comfort you as well.

"I'm sorry, its just. Your scared me." You stutter, your hand landed on the top of the animatronic's head and patted a few times. Trying to dodge eye contact with the robot, you looked around. Only to see there were no humans in sight.

"Hey, where are my co-workers..?" You stutter.

"I'M YOUR CO-WORKER!" The animatronic jumps up, filling the room with an energetic aura once more.

You look down at your phone and pull up the application once more to see something written in small lettering at the very bottom of the screen.

"By signing up to the Daycare Section of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaplex, you are in full realization that by joining Freddy Fazbear's work force. You are in danger of robotic malfunction, or robotic related injuries, Fazbear entertainment shall not take any responsibility for any of these injuries. Sign up at your own risk."

What have I just signed up for...?

Hello There, Sunshine! (Sun/Moon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now