Part 23

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Cara stared at the blank tablet screen. "Are you sure we wanna do this?"

"Cara, she's going to figure it out eventually."

"She's going to scream."

Krel smiled and lightly kissed Cara's jaw by her ear, and Cara turned to get real kisses.

After a moment, Krel murmured, "I'll keep the tablet's volume down."

"Thank you," Cara hummed softly. "Okay. I'm ready. Release the Kraken."

Krel took a deep breath and hit the video chat button.

"Little brother! It's been too long- wait, you've got a girl with you?!" Aja greeted them.

"It's been a year and you haven't mentioned me to your-" Cara gently elbowed Krel. "Dude."

Aja burst out laughing. "I'm teasing you- Cara, yes? Krel hasn't stopped talking about you."

"Oh. Well. Good," Cara said, sitting up a bit.

Krel set the tablet up against a pillow and wrapped all four arms around Cara. "So, we ah, wanted to tell you-"

"You're finally dating?" Aja asked excitedly. Cara nodded, and she kept right on going. "Good! The way you talked about her, Krel, I knew it was a matter of time but I didn't think you'd ever tell her how you felt."

"He, um... he actually told me before I told him," Cara said, rubbing her neck. "... so."

"Awww!" Aja clapped a little. "I'm so glad you've finally figured it out."

"Your Majesty?" Someone called from outside Aja's room, earning a groan from the Queen.

"I'm so, so sorry. I have to go... but Krel, text me later, okay? I want all the details," Aja said wearily.

"Good luck," Cara said, furrowing her brow a bit in concern.

Aja returned a short smile before hanging up.

"... she didn't scream," Krel pointed out.

"True. Can I have her number, by the way? I wanna be able to bug her randomly."


Amaltheia stood in the pre-dawn dimness with Hermes.

"I can go home now." She sighed.


"But you sound like you don't want to." He added

Alma just stayed silent.

"You know... You CAN stay if you want to... For some reason- why do you want to stay?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "Just feel like it. It'll give you guys a break for dealing with me, so don't sound too happy." She joked.


Meanwhile, Irene and Douxie were hiding, taking a break from dealing with EVERYONE.

Irene gave a very quiet sigh and shifted to rest her head on Douxie's shoulder.

"So... it's the 30th," Douxie commented wearily.

Irene burst out laughing, the sound ringing with exhaustion.

"Well, neither of us are coughing, so I assume we don't need to worry."

Douxie smiled and rested his forehead on her shoulder.

After a moment of silence, he spoke up, very very quietly.

"... wanna get married?"

Irene's entire self paused for a moment before replying,"...wait, what did you say?"

"You heard me," he said quietly, then paused himself," You... Did hear me, right?"

"I'm not sure I did, but I wanted to ask if you wanna marry me?" Irene grinned with a short cackle.

Douxie scoffed and tackled her with a quiet, "Dork..." Which Irene quickly replied, a failed defense with an odd, slightly misplaced, "yEs- Yes, yes I do!" And a laugh.

Douxie squeezed her and took a deep breath, letting himself relax for the first time in months. Irene sighed deeply, having sensed the same felt the same feeling of delight with his breath.

She shook one of her arms free and rested it over Douxie's back, softly brushing her hand through his hair," I mean... Why not, right? Nothing is holding us back now," she said quietly, almost in a slurry hummed voice.

"Mm-hm," Douxie replied, muffled, with his face buried in her hair.

Irene hummed back, taking in another deep breath. To be honest, neither of them quite knew if the other was being 100% serious or not, but both of them seemed thoroughly wiped out, and it was only proven further when they both started to fall asleep right then and there without another word. At this point, they knew it would happen, it was just a matter of time...

Hey guys! Unfortunately, this story is over, but if you enjoyed it, on behalf of McKenzie and another friend, I am going to start publishing a Big Hero 6 fanfic that they wrote. :)

Hope you all enjoyed this, and see you guys on the next story!

<3 ~K.C, StellarLit, McKenzie

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